
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Tea and supper

Do you remember this? Well when you have finished feasting your eyes on the delightful Tanya turn to page 110 in your Tonic magazine and check out the photos that I helped style. These were taken in my garden on a beautiful July afternoon. I think they look delicious. Another scone anyone?

Now those summer days are drawing to an end (despite it still being really hot and humid) my new passion is for butternut squash soup. I had it for supper this evening. It is super easy to make and is really delicious. I roast the squash first with a bit of olive oil, salt, pepper and 2 garlic cloves. Roast until slightly blackened then scoop out the flesh while it is still warm. Fry a couple of onions in butter add squash, stock, chives, a teaspoon (or more if you prefer) of curry powder and finish with some grated fresh ginger. Liquidise or leave, it's really up to you. Yummy, filling, nutritious and warming on those autumnal evenings that are sure to come.


  1. I need some Tonic and not just for my gin either!I still haven't managed to find a copy.
    The butternut squash soup looks delish I'll have to get my hubby to bring some home!

  2. Oh yes I make that all the time, it's yum. We have about 8 huge pumpkins growing in our garden, can't wait to use them.. Yes lovely pics, made me feel all home sick....

  3. I can't comment over on crafty blog, it says no but just want to say how wonderful it all looked and what a treat :-)

  4. That buuternut squash soup is scrolls down right next to Paul and those trousers, it makes me titter everytime !!!

  5. the soup looks very delicious!

    is that my old bowl? it looks lovely too *sniff*

  6. Butternut soup has always been my favourite but it's hard to find that veggie in France - it's a rare treat for me now...your recipe is very similar to mine....looks yummy.

  7. I'm not ready for butternut squash Dons! I have friends coming for lunch tomorrow and am planning salade nicoise despite the fact we had the mother of all storms tonight!

    But I love Butternut Squash - maybe I should stop being in denial.

    (hi Dons! I really appreciate your support btw! - maybe we will meet up properly one day!)

  8. I thought those pics were something to do with you.. I recognised those flowery cakes from a previous pic that you posted ages back on your blog!

    Fab pics/Fab cakes! :O)x

  9. p.s. Yes I'm still in salad mode too! It's one of the few things I can cook! hehehehe....

  10. Exquisite styling Dons, I am not to dream over in the middle of winter...

  11. Oh you are clever!great styling and i shall definately make the soup!

  12. Anonymous1:28 AM GMT

    Great colour to that there soop.
    A friend of mine in uk saw that mag and told me about it...its a small world.


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