
Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The 'C' Word

I just want to say a big thank you to all of you who commented and sent me emails about my last post. If I were to unravel again I couldn't think of a nicer bunch to do it with. You're lovely, all of you.

Now I know it is still only October but I have to mention the C word. I can't think about it until after this weekend, Paul's birthday, but having a sister in the USA means I have to think of it early as presents need to be thought about and posted way in advance of Christmas (eeeeek there I have said it, so, stone me!). In fact if I wanted to send it by surface mail in time it would have to be all bought, wrapped and sent by this weekend. I don't think I am ever going to be that organised sadly! However I did buy something towards our Christmas decorations last week. When I visited Niki's lovely stall at the Honiton Textile Fair she had some beautiful stockings made from vintage quilts, lined with a deep burgundy satin and backed with a vintage paisley fabric. I was seriously tempted but having spent rather a lot of money on fabrics I decided not to buy one. Once I got home I kept thinking about them and especially one with a touch of red and white polka dot fabric on. Now anyone who reads this knows how fond I am of the red and white polka dot, I have a lot of it in my kitchen, so I emailed Niki and asked her if she still had it. She did and she sent it to me with a beautiful little card and two vintage humourous postcards from Devon that she found. Here it is, front and back view. Beautiful huh? I think it will have pride of place over our Aga.

So while we're on the subject, I would like to draw your attention to the lovely vintage Christmas swap happening over here and the Society of Secret Fairies Christmas swap going on over here and also to mention the gorgeous Christmas cards designed and printed by the lovely Gretel over here. Right that's it. No more mention of the 'C' word until after Halloween and Bonfire Night!


  1. hmmmm, well I wont admit to thinking about anything to do with C*******s just yet, but thats really nice. Its a lovely use for old quilts, it will have me looking more seriously at the ones I see which are too worn and torn in places.

  2. Your post today was very appropriate for me. I have been mentally making my family Christmas list in my head all day. Who's getting what, that I really need to knit faster, when to send out the box to Germany, that I really should be writing this all down, but hard to do with knitting needles in both hands...AHHH!
    Your stockings are beautiful. Happy almost Halloween.

  3. Well Dons, I LOVE the C word... for these reasons,
    C means Christmas, C means Chocolate, C means Chips, C means Cake, C means Cheese, C means Curry, C means Coffee (starbucks) C means Crisps, C means's my favourite letter....

  4. Anonymous1:22 PM GMT

    Oh no! I guess someone had to do it!!
    I don't mean to be rude, but I think I prefer to see you sobbing with PMT here than to mention that 'C' word! ;o)
    But they are lovely stockings though...

  5. Anonymous1:54 PM GMT

    Lovely stockings yes...nicer than the poo ones we have. I shall not think a Christmas (oops I said it) for a while yet though.

  6. I like the C = Chocolate option! Let's talk about chocolate until after Halloween. :-)

  7. Anonymous8:46 AM GMT

    Hi Donna,
    Thanks for coming back to me about the C****** stocking- I'm glad it has your favourite polka dots on- enjoy using it!
    Glad you are feeling a bit better- you are so brave telling your story- I don't think I could do that. Good for you- I think you have a great life now.
    I love the photo of your little girl with her 'knicker-necklace'- so cute- do you think they will catch-on?

  8. I just wanted to come here and say that I didn't want to put part of my story here today as I thought that your blog was a bit personal today that I didn't want to put something onto it. I just wanted to come here and say that I had read your last three pieces. I think you are so right about bonding and how important it is. I was saying last night to Trac and Lettuce that your family are so gorgeous and your baby is the most perfect little bean ever. You are so lucky to have such a wonderful family and it is only when you juxtapose it with such a sad story that it really shows the difference between families full of love and families that are torn apart. It is so sad, like you say. I am full of admiration for your family and how you just seem to be so in control of it all. I am sorry that you were sad the other day. I hope you are ok nowxxx Sending you some hugs from over here to youxxxxxxxx

  9. We live long-distance from all of our family, so our shopping also has to get done fairly early, which depresses me to no end despite the fact that I love shop for gifts. It's being pushed unwillingly into a season that doesn't sit well with me. But as I write this, my partner is at work, preparing his store to greet customers with the "holiday" look tomorrow morning. Ick.


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