
Friday, October 27, 2006


Yesterday was Paul's birthday. For 6 months of the year we are the same age, for the other 6 months he teases me for being older than him and revels in his 'toy-boy' status!! I bought him a fab gift, perfect for a vinyl junkie like him, It's a turntable that you play your vinyl on and download your sounds onto your hard drive. From there you can burn them onto cd or put them on your ipod, wonderful eh? He can now enter the 21st Century Technological age (once we've read the instructions of course).

I treated him and the rest of the family to a Thai meal and then back home where we had friends round for drinks in the bar. Very shabby as per usual, great party guests and lots of fun! I stopped drinking around midnight but went to bed at 3.30 am. This morning I got up at 8 am as I had to get Jazz to work for 9 am. The little ones, Mum and I went to Exeter on the train (I was too shattered to drive). I felt a little fragile all day mainly through lack of sleep but I managed to get my roots done at Toni and Guy and buy half of H&M! Paul is a champ (or should that be chump?!) he has gone out again this evening as he had forgotten that he promised to DJ at a Halloween party. They rang while we were eating our supper and he couldn't let them down. I'm off for a bath in a minute and an early night (alone, boo hoo). Kiss kiss xx


  1. oh my god, the hubby would love one of those turntables!! i must investigate for xmas.

    good to hear that you all had a nice time for his birthday :)

    'im indoors is really enjoying the tequila from you guys!

  2. Anonymous11:06 AM GMT

    Happy Birthday Paul!!!

    But Dons, surely 'real men' don't read instructions!?

  3. i want one of those!! and i love the stockings! and do you make pegbags? and can you take a photo of the crumpled moon graffiti? questions questions! thanks for your visit!

  4. Hey Rox I'm sure your chap will love one of these. Glad he is enjoying the tequila. Paul LOVED his book from you :-)

    Trac - Paul won't be reading the instructions! Being a technophobe he will be expecting me to do that!

    Pod - yes get one, they are fab! I do make peg bags sometimes why? and I will try and take photos of the crumpled moon just for you :-)

  5. I am going to get one of those when I have some pennies, I have a big collection of 78's to record, not to mention several hundred vinyls! Aren't they a brilliant idea?

  6. Wow Dons, where did you get it from?


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