
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Back to life, back to reality

Well I came back on Friday but have been so busy since then I just don't get five minutes to blog! I have also been making some crocheted corsages, which I shall show over at my crafty blog soon, so that has kept me very busy most evenings. I made these a few years ago and sold many at a craft fair and on ebay but this time I want to change them slightly, add leaves and a vintage button middle. Anyway............ I had a great time in Essex. Saffron Walden is a gorgeous little town and I had a whole morning to kill as Paul was busy with a business client and Amanda had her Italian class. Saffron Walden has the loveliest shops, lots of nice charity shops, antiques centres, an old fashioned toy shop and a traditional sweet shop amongst others, so I was in my element. I had some great thrifty finds.

A 1950's money tin, a vintage christmas biscuit tin and a vintage highland shortbread tin

Some vintage Christmassy fabric, an old polka dot darning mushroom and 2 vintage books

and my favourite, a Gabriella Miller jug for £2.25. I saw the same one at the Country Living Fair the next day for £45.00! Perfect for my bathroom.

Then I took the kids to the park for some fun on the swings and a little run around...........

before meeting up with Amanda and having lunch together. Then on to her house that she moved into 2 years ago. I hadn't seen it before as Amanda always comes down to see us as she often drops her 2 eldest boys off at their dad's, in Cornwall. She lives in a beautiful big rambling Georgian Town House right in the heart of Saffron Walden. The pub is 2 doors down, the shops a mere hop and skip away, Waitrose is practically in her garden, so convenient.

We had such a great few days catching up. We never run out of things to say, in fact Amanda is one of the finest raconteurs I have ever met, her stories about her friends, family, neighbours and life in general are always fascinating. Her husband is the funniest man ever so I spent a lot of time in his company crying with laughter. He has the most subtle, dry sense of humour that if you didn't know him you may not realise that he is being funny, once you click into it he has you in stitches! Alfie and Elliott, her youngest son, are great mates and you hardly knew they were there once they were together (actually you did because Alf is pretty noisy but he and Elliott were in their own world) and Lizzy was just happy pootling around finding little things on Amanda's shelves that she could redistribute around the house! We had great food, lots (and lots) of wine and great company. Who could ask for more?

Anyhow, here they are, that lovely pair, outside their house (where a random, passing, old lady shouted out 'say SEX' when I was trying to photograph them!)

And here's one of all of us

I met up with Tatty, Lettuce and RW at the Country Living Fair. It was wonderful but so rushed! We need another meeting so I proposed a Thelma and Louise type roadtrip for RW and Letty, I think they're up for it, and Tatty will be coming to stay in February so I will have her all to myself then.

Thanks to Lettuce for the photo x

Right I must be off. I have been to an antique textile fair today and found many many beautiful fabrics. My website is about to go 'live', hold onto your hats!!! But that's for another day!


  1. The first thing I have to say Dons is 'WOW! That jug!!!!!!! I want it!!!! I love it!!!!' and the other thing i want to say is "you said 'random'"!!!! My daughter says that! I have yet to use it in my everyday language - but I am just waiting for the opportunity! You are so trendy!

    (glad you had such a lovely time in the East!)

  2. Oh Luce, stroke stroke, you're so funny..Dons that was all lovely jubley, (mental note wouldn't work 6 letters) I loved reading that.. I had to go back and look for random but couldn't see it, is it a cool word, an in word, I really wouldn't know..Great photos, great house, great friends..can't wait for you to go live !! I know how exciting that is xxxx

  3. Hehehe RW yes I am so achingly hip it hurts. I am trendy without trying! Jazz uses random too, it's teenspeak. That jug was a great find I was so pleased.

    Tat - Random wouldn't work either!

  4. Wow!Looks like you had a fantastic time.Some really great treasures there.I love the tins!

  5. Yes random is used frequently by my eldest and teen talk does rub off on us much to their disgust! glad you had a good time Donna, lovely pics and wow! love your finds that darning mushroom is amazing, and like everyone else I am very envious of that jug! the things some people give to charity! Let me know as soon as your site goes live so I can add a link to mine.

  6. Glad you had a great time in London! You girls look very comfortable together!

  7. Hi Dons, You always manage to find such nice stuff! Looks like you had a great time. Can't wait for the website - how exciting!



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