
Thursday, November 16, 2006

If you're wondering why I am looking so darned good it's because I have gone Beta babies! I pushed that darned orange button, threw caution to the wind and went for it. Hell, you only live once ;-)


  1. But but but you look the same!!! I tried to go over to the other side but they wouldn't let me!

  2. I know darling, I can't see any difference either! I'm not surprised they won't let you in though, the rules clearly state that they will have no poo tit bummers on beta!

  3. hahaha.... PTB, I knew it...
    I dreampt about Roxy last night, must tell her my books came.. Could you change the link on vintage swaps to please??

  4. Hi there beta babe!

  5. hi tat - consider me told heheheh

    glad to know they arrived safely.

  6. Hey Roxy,
    I was going to e-mail youo I promise when I had half a sixpence.. I dreampt about you last night...what's it all about?
    Books I think..

  7. You look just as sexy in beta mode as you did in old style.

    That house in Saffron Walden looks wonderful.

    Have a great weekend

  8. I just had to tell you that I saw some crocheted corsages in a shop the other day and they were £8 each! Can you believe it? You should get down here selling them. You'd be quids in. I used to have a pattern for a crochet flower and I lost it. I wonder if you've got one. I hope soxxx

  9. Yes, I'm looking forward to seeing your crocheted corsages Dons - I for one would be willing to buy some off you!!! I love getting home made stuff from people I know!

    (You are up late tonight! I'm watching Fern on Children inNeed!)

  10. ur side bar is so coooool !
    how did u do that ?!


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