
Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The Fabric Room

The Fabric Room
Originally uploaded by thefabricofmylife.
On Sunday night I was very sick. I haven't been that ill in years. Monday I spent most of the day in bed, sleeping, recovering. I NEVER go to bed. I HATE going to bed because I always think I am missing something, but this time I had no choice. I was proper poorly!

On Tuesday I hobbled out of bed to clean up my fabric room as I needed to take some high-res photos for publicity. It was no mean feat believe me. This room was filled with bags and bags of fabrics that I had bought and just popped into the room thinking that one day I would put them away. The problem with that was there was simply nowhere else to store them. All drawers, shelves and cupboards were full to bursting. So after lots of effort I removed all the bags to be stored elsewhere so that now I have an organised, useable and (I think) beautiful room to work in. My Sylko dispenser is now right at home on the counter. So here, for your eyes only, is the fruits of my labour. Come on into my shop, pull up a chair, let me get you a tea and enjoy rummaging around the shelves. (click on the photos for close-ups)


  1. Sorry to hear you've been ill Donna - hope your on the mend. This room is my idea of heaven. You are so lucky. Mary

  2. Hope you're feeling better! That's one collection of fabrics - you lucky thing! have a good Easter.

  3. Hi Sweetie

    What divine photos.

    I'm going to take you up on that offer and demand to be served tea whilst I rummage in your magical room.


  4. What a fantastic room, you're very lucky! You must just want to sit and drool over everything in there, I know I would!

  5. I would KILL to have a rummage in your fabric room!
    Allison x

  6. Hi Donna

    So sorry to hear you've been yucky poorly. Hope you're well on the mend now. I should be getting ready to go to Dairy House, but I've just been sitting here looking through ALL your Flickr photos. Needless to say I 'need' all the fabric!! Your room looks even better than I'd imagined from the initial photos.

    Get well soon.

    Sue xx

  7. Oh that is so wonderful, lucky you.

    Hope you are feeling better. xx

  8. what a totally fab fabric room, very very delicious, hope you better now xx

  9. Anonymous6:08 PM GMT

    I absolutely LOVE your fabric room.
    I got the fabric you sent to me today. It's LOVELY. Got to think what to make with it now. Any ideas?
    I've been feeling rubbish too. Not enough to confine me to bed but enough to make me not feel like doing anything. My head has been hurting for days, and ears and stomach a bit too. A weird bug I think!

  10. OH MY you can set my tea next to my luggage as I am moving into that room. Don't fret I just need a mat on the floor and I can snuggle with all your lovely fabric.

    WOW what a room!!! Just beautiful.

    I am so glad you are on the mend, now excuse me while I go wipe the drool off my chin and pout for a bit.

  11. Fab pictures! that room is to die for! sorry to hear you have been poorly,to cheer you up I have left a post on my blog just for you!xxx

  12. Lovely colours, designs, textures, everything fits together. I'm glad you're feeling better, nothing like a day in bed to put you to rights.... now, where's that cuppa tea?

  13. Anonymous4:58 PM GMT

    hi Donna

    Wishing you a lovely Easter too.

    Love claire

  14. ooh i'd love to pop in for a tea (as long as you ain't gonna be sick on me!).

    happy easter donald!!


  15. Happy Easter Dons babes, the room looks great too, have a happy egg hunt and don't mess that wrong up!

  16. Wishing you and your family a happy and blessed Easter

  17. Hi Donna, I hope you're feeling much better now! Your fabric room is looking great! I was reading your comment on Sue's blog and thought your childhood sounded wonderful! I don't know why, but I immediately thought of the book 'Orchard on Fire' by Shena Mackay, a book I enjoyed reading a some years ago - I think it was the nostalgia it recreated! Hope that doesn't sound too daft!

    Love your website by the way, you have some beautiful fabrics!

    Clare x

  18. Hi Donna,
    Sorry to hear that you have been feeling poorly - I hope that you now feel heaps better and can enjoy some Easter eggs!
    Happy Easter to you and your family.

    Good luck with sales on your website - you deserve it - your fabric collection and room looks fabulous.

    (We have just booked a family holiday to Devon in July! - can't wait!)

    Niki xx

  19. Hi Dons, blimey, you did all that when you were poorly? You truly are superdons!

    I love your fabric room, it's like a gigantic sweet shop full of goodies!

  20. my goodness your room really is like a shop, with all the glass fronted counters etc... how stunning it all is.


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