
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Hope it was as sunny and enjoyable for you all as it was for us. Here are our Easter decorations this year

The Easter Tree

Gorgeous egg cosies from Max

I will be back with Easter egg hunt photos soon (you have been warned!)


  1. Oh lovely. Did you colour those eggs yourself?

    I completely forgot to put any Easter decorations up this year despite having some lovely hanging decorations 'somewhere buried in a box'. Maybe that's why!

    Hope you had a lovely time, looking forward to the egg hunt.

  2. wow. what a wonderful effort. i wish i lived there!

  3. Hi
    The egg-cosies are really cute!

  4. Love your tree - the cats had a field day with ours, I spent every morning picking up the decorations they'd thrown all over the floor! Glad you enjoyed Easter too!

  5. I really enjoy seeing what other home made decorations people apart from us make. Sometimes we like to put together different coloured paper chains around the house :-)

  6. Hi Donna - I love that tree and that little french egg box is sooo sweet. Mary

  7. OOh Dons I've just noticed from your picture that you've got 'It's a wonderful Life' framed there! We've got that framed too! (We've also got 'some like it hot' in Italian) - what have you got?

  8. Thank you for those photos! Happy EAster!!!

  9. Hi Donna,
    Hope you all had a lovely Easter.
    Love the tree and egg cosies.
    (We have the same little wooden egg box - bought in France)
    Niki x

  10. we don't really "do" Easter decorations. What a shame. You've inspired me for next year.

  11. Anonymous7:34 PM GMT

    Love your Easter tree and egg cosies. Sweet. We're drowning in chcoclate at the moment. nice tho'!


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