
Saturday, April 28, 2007


What do you think this photographer is doing peering over our hedge with her camera?

She's photographing the house for Period Living magazine. Niki, the photographer, came, to capture images of the house, with the wonderful Celia Rufey, a fellow fabricaholic and journalist, who talked to me about the house and my business.

Here I am with the lovely Celia looking at her gorgeous fabrics that she has printed onto linen. See her website here.

We had loads to talk about and as she only lives a mere 45 minutes away from me I think we will be seeing more of each other, in fact I will be meeting up with her on Tuesday when I visit a textile fair in Honiton.

It was such a fun day but I'm far too tired to talk about it now. I'm off to bed, all this press malarkey is exhausting!


  1. How exciting - love your dress by the way!

  2. My God, you're going to be in PL!!! What edition - let me know, I usually get it, but I want to be sure. Congratulations. I'm off to look at Celia's site now as I've been contemplating lino printing onto fabric.

  3. OMG, congratz! how exciting. What issue will it be?

    great photo, you look lovely. Your haircut is still looking sharp!

  4. Anonymous10:32 AM GMT

    Look at you! Let me know which issue I can't wait!

  5. Anonymous12:05 PM GMT

    Let us know what issue. how exciting! I can be really nosey and look at your house in detail!
    Love the Cafe sign. If I had one of these, I think the 2 males of the household may take this a little too seriously. . . it's strictly self-service only here!

  6. Hi Donna,
    Glad that you had such a good time. Your kitchen looks stunning (and so do you BTW!) Look forward to seeing your home in the magazine.

    See you Tuesday,
    Love Niki

  7. Congratulations - can't wait to see the magazine. Love your kitchen.
    Kim x

  8. Thank you lovely ladies for your sweet comments. I needed those as I feel over tired and emotional!

    I am not sure what issue it is yet, possibly September but I will be sure to let you know.

  9. How exciting, it sounds like new doors might be opening for you. Good luck! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your beautiful home.

  10. Anonymous10:38 PM GMT

    cant wait to hear more details. You look gorgeous by the way, the sexiest thing PL will have seen for a long time i bet. is that a vintage dress? very pretty.

  11. Hi Donna,

    How exciting! I regularly buy PL but please let me know which issue you'll be in!

    Thank you very much for your purchases by the way!

    Clare x

  12. WOW, photographing your house for Period Living magazine !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Have they told you which issue you'll be in?

    You must be so excited !

  13. WOW how very interesting.... it must be a great place to photograph if you have a photographer on a ladder peering over the hedge. I don't think we get PL magazine here, perhaps they have a web page I can visit.

  14. Oh how wonderful for you! TO be in print good for you!!

  15. Yo, Period Living! That's impressive... do, please, let us know when & I'm sure the circulation will go up that month!

  16. WOW! How exciting. Can't wait to see you and your lovely house in the magazine.

    (I too love your dress!)

  17. Well done Donna! You deserve all of this...and you look divine and I *heart* your dress.

  18. yes yes nice dress. i know how it feels to be hampered by the press, so hard, so hard


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