
Saturday, May 05, 2007


Thanks for your comments on my last post. I will let you know when the Period Living feature is out. For those of you who wanted to know, my dress was made from vintage fabric and came from Topshop in Oxford Street.

This week has really been a whirlwind week. We started off with Period Living coming out to photograph the house, then, a few days later, I was visited by two people from The Times. The lovely Vinny Lee and charming photographer Paul Raeside, who arrived in his convertible classic Mercedes, much to the delight of my other half. They were a breath of fresh air and very professional.

Then Devon Life sent a photographer round, a sweet, bumbling old chap who was utterly eccentric. We shared funny conversations about space travel, global warming and how he met his wife 6 years ago at a school reunion. He couldn't have been more different!

It has been a fun experience. I learned a lot and loved seeing my home through the eyes of other people. If I wasn't so busy with my website and the children I think I would love to be a stylist. The weather has been perfect, big blue sky and plenty of sunshine. I also had telephone interviews with The English Home, Irish Tatler and Junior Magazine. This press has come to me through my hard-working PR company who I can heartily recommend.

I also attended a Textile Fair in Honiton this week and picked up some delicious textiles including a pair of 1930's French floral curtains, that are just to-die-for, and a pretty paisley quilt. All of these will be appearing on my website soon as I have decided to be very strict with myself and stop collecting. I met up with lovely like-minded women and spent a sunny day shopping and catching up, perfect!

We finished the week with a fish and chip supper on the beach, skimming stones and watching the sun setting.

Along with all the wonderful goings on there has been down side too, nothing I want to go into detail about, some big stuff that has rocked my world and has made me realise that changes are needed in my life. Just in case you thought my life was perfect it's not all hunky dory you know!

Have a happy, sunny, Bank Holiday Weekend wherever you are x


  1. Devon Life, The Times, wow what a high life you need !!! Of course that's all fantastic but chips by the beach now that really is lovely !!

  2. You are a busy bee! And soon to be so famous! Lizzy must have enjoyed all the attention, toddlers love a camera (in my experience anyway, but perhaps I am just blessed with a terrible show-off?)

    How wonderful that all of your hard work is paying off.
    It is so nice to be able to balance out your busy, manic days with a trip to the beach to watch the sun set.
    Victoria x

  3. You must let us know when the articles are in print - would love to have a read!

    Hope any life changes go smoothly and things are hunky dory soon!

  4. Hi Donna,
    Hope that all the publicity leads to lots of sales - you deserve it after all of your hard work. I know that you were feeling a little tired when I saw you at Honiton - Take care!
    Niki x

  5. Donna, I really really admire you. You have a real passion, something not many people have. Not only that, you are an expert in your field too. Also you are a thoroughly lovely person too!

    I wish you so much luck with your venture! That man with the Merc looked perfectly 'dishy' and so did his car!

  6. Congrats on all the media coverage! I loved your dress look FAB! looking forward to seeing you in the mag!

  7. pleased to hear it's not all sweetness and light. sorry. i am such a silly pod sometimes. it is good to have the boat rocked though, so that one can re-evaluate and move forward. evolve. it will all unfold as it should.

    i have my eye on a vintage merc too. i saw one the other day, an old white 500sl or something, and the rego was POD 564...can you believe it? i almost had to hotwire it!

  8. Hi Donna,

    It certainly is all go for you isn't it? Please keep us informed so we can make sure we grab a copy of the relevant magazine/newspaper at the time!

    Sorry to hear there is some negative stuff in your life at the moment - keep positive.

    I hope you liked the fabric by the way!

    Clare x

  9. Hurrah! I've been allowed to get onto your comments page - now to see if blogger will let me post this .....

    I've just been wanting to say for ages how very proud I am of you, Donna.

    All of this good stuff is coming into being because of your hard work and talent.

    How you manage to do all that you do is beyond me. I could never do it.

    I hope that great things come from the articles that will be published over the next few months. You certainly deserve all the good things that will hopefully come your way.

    As for the other thing - darling, I am here for you ..............


  10. Happy, sunny right back at ya.

  11. Hope you are ok Donna,I am impressed, do let us know when the mags are out.


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