
Friday, May 25, 2007


I have been tagged several times to do the Seven Meme but I am going to cheat and just post a picture of my little man who was seven yesterday. Here he is with his cake (note cat in background cuddling a Pokemon toy!).

Happy Birthday Alfie.

Here are all three of my lovelies. I can't believe how they are growing. They are now 17, 7 and 2 and I am constantly amazed that they came from me. I think they are my finest work!

The last few days have been crazy for me. Since the Sunday Times published my phone number I have had loads of phone calls from fabric people, mostly wanting to sell ME fabric! Luckily I have also had a few sales. I have had to list lots more fabrics to replace the ones sold. Business is looking good and the feedback I have had from customers has been wonderful. It makes it all worthwhile.

Well it's Bank Holiday Weekend here again so I guess that means more rain. Last weekend was lovely, bright and sunny. We spent the day at the beach with Paul's brother and son, building sandcastles, crab fishing and watching the sunset.

Whatever you do this weekend, rain or shine, have a good one. x


  1. Anonymous9:51 PM GMT

    beautiful post, i love seeing people's pics. Those kids are so gorgeous and they do look like you! What a gap you have between them. I have a big gap bwteen my two but not as much as your older one and youngest one! Glad sales are going well, it is really rewarding isnt it?!!

  2. yes, good job Donna! and happy happy birthday to lovely alfie.

  3. Happy Birthday to your little Alfie! Love the photos - your kitchen looks fab in the background BTW! Looking forward to seeing it in the magazines.
    Glad that sales are going well Donna - you have worked so hard.

    Have a wonderful BH weekend,
    Niki x

  4. Happy burpday Alf, lovely photo of you and Bad squinting from underneath sunhats, good times huh...

  5. Is that Han Solo presiding over the supreme Spider Man cake?

    Happy Birthday Alfie!!

    I know what you mean about not believing they came from you. Everyday I consider the luck of my life that I get to know Z!

  6. Happy 7th Alfie - it's a great age to be. Love the picture of your three lovelies together - beautiful family. Well done on the magazine piece - hope it brings lots of business. Enjoy the bank holiday!

  7. Hi Donna,

    A belated 'Happy Birthday' to Alfie!

    I love your tabby cat - he/she looks like a lovely cuddly old thing - I have a soft spot for tabbies!

    What gorgeous children you have by the way!

    Glad to hear you're nice and busy with the website.

    Good job you had that weekend on the beach last weekend - aren't we having some awful weather today?!

    Clare x

  8. Hurrah! I've been allowed onto your comments page at last :o}

    Lovely post Dons. I really enjoyed the photos.
    BTW - I'm pleased to see you edited me out of the cake one - you know that's exactly what I'd have wanted, don't you? hee hee

    What a lovely sunset scene on which to finish ...........


  9. Hi Donna
    I think that your children have to be your finest work, they are all so beautiful. Hope you all had a wonderful bank holiday weekend.
    Victoria x

  10. have a happy half term, lovie.

  11. Happy belated birthday Alfie! that day on the beach looks great! Good luck with the fabric sales.

  12. Happy Birthday little Alfie! Love all the photos, gorgeous littlies!
    L x

  13. What lovely photographs of your family. I hope your little man enjoyed his birthday. Mary

  14. ha ha! look at the cat. it looks really smug with the if he is saying 'this is mine, all mine!!' funny. i have the same radio in my kitchen too, but in cream. greta minds donald! and i received a card from the postie today saying i had a parcel to collect.......oooh!

  15. Oh Happy belated birthday to Alfie.

    Such a beautiful family- yes you make nice people!!

    Um that kitchen Such nice pictures and that kitchen of yours looks incredible!!

    Congrats on the sales btw.

  16. Congratulations on the mention in the Sunday Times, however did you manage that?
    You offspring are delightful, they look so happy! Great pictures of them.


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