
Friday, June 01, 2007

Beach Life

It has been a busy old half term. I have taken time off this week to spend some time with my 3 winkies. The weather hasn't been wonderful but it hasn't stopped us from having fun. The beauty of living here is that we can 'pop' to the beach. When the sun comes out we sit on the beach and if it clouds over we do something else. I remember living in London and what a palaver it was to get to the beach. It involved a whole day and usually meant lots of equipment and getting stuck in traffic.

The children have enjoyed being together. Jasmine is still a real family girl and loves spending time with her little brother and sister even though she is 17. Here they are playing 'it' on the beach. I'm not sure if Lizzy really knew the rules but she was just happy to run around laughing with Jazz and Alf. These pictures are going to be the inspiration for my next Janet Bolton naive applique workshop which is coming up in a couple of weeks.

I have made 2 beach pictures with her, the first when Lizzy was no more than a twinkle in her Daddy's eye so the second one (pictured below) featured her and I on the beach together. This new one will be all 3 of them. I am so excited that I have started the background already!
The problem with starting a new business is the time it takes up. My 'creating time' seems to have all but disappeared!

Big Brother started on Wednesday evening which means my life as I knew it officially ends until the whole debacle is over. Every year I tell myself I am not going to be sucked in, it's rubbish, but I am weak and am addicted already!


  1. Oh Donna, you are so lucky. All my life I have wanted to live near the seaside but I've never managed it. In the UK I lived in Oxford and Cambridge, which are both about as far from the coast as you can get. Right now I live in the middle of a forest and, although it is beautiful, the seaside is 2 hours away! Sigh, one day... enjoy it, and your kids!

    Allison x

  2. Yes you're lucky living near to the coast, it's so easy to pop to the beach even if only for an hour. I know what you mean about it all being such a palaver,we're a two hour drive away, it's a whole day out and in the end we can't be bothered! It does mean I only get to see the sea once in a while but hey ho such is life.....


  3. p.s I'm hooked on BB too, every years I say I'm not going to waste my time but I just can't resist (it's people watching)


  4. lovely pics Donna, i'm sure they will inspire you for some lovely applique.

    i hope you still get some time to be creative.

  5. Oh I hear ya sister! Big brother is the devil! what a shame for Leslie!!!!! anyway, how clever are you with that applique work? it is beautiful, but not as beautiful as your amazing children on the beach! no wonder you are inspired! xx

  6. Hi - yes living near the beach is great (not so wonderful in the middle of summer) but lovely when it's quiet and you can just load up the car and enjoy hearing the sea! Love your quilt - looking forward to seeing no 3. Trying really hard not to get sucked into BB this year ( I have no willpower and have been saying that for the past 7 years)!
    Km x

  7. Donna-just had to say I love these photos! And already I am addicted to BB! Now I just have to make sure my husband is too! Much more fun watching it with someone else...

  8. i am off to the post office first thing in the morn!!
    big bro here is terrible!! all paris hilton wannabees (but if i start i cannae stop!!). lovely pics. i too can walk to the beaches. 15-25 mins away from 4 wonderfully different ones. looking forward to picking up my parcel!

  9. I watched Big Bro one year and I was ADDICTED BIG TIME. When I wasn't watching it I was also texting my other addicted friends who were so addicted they went to the final eviction night and bought me a mug! I vowed never to get sucked in again...and so far I've managed it. (wish me luck)

    The beach looks so wonderful - I have to say Devon beach beats Suffolk beach - for a start Suffolk beaches face East and the North Sea is grey but on a breezy British day, sea is better than no sea isn't it? And the North Sea DOES have it's charms! We are a twenty minute easy drive from the beach here (which is nice).

    Lovely applique..what a great idea.

  10. From the beach background, may I presume you live in Lyme Regis?

  11. Oh wow! Blogger has allowed me to comment.
    Love the beach scenes Dons. Can't wait to see the final results from the course.
    What a wonderful family heirloom, huh?
    It's just as well you will eventually end up with three pics - seeing as you have three children.

  12. Hi Donna, yes it must be wonderful to live so close to the beach - especially a lovely sandy one! Clare x

  13. Did you know there is a flickf group for Janet Bolton inspired work, and her quilt sets?

    It would be great if you could put you JB pics on there. It's called Mrs Noahs quilt-along - love Julia x


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