
Sunday, August 05, 2007

A quick update

Hi, Just popped out of my self-enforced retirement to say I am not in the September edition of Period Living after all, I shall be in October's, but if you want a laugh go to page 90 of September's Prima magazine and read an article about me and my mad collecting habit. Unfortunately the magazine omitted to mention my website so I look like a crazy lady who just collects loads of fabric for no reason, hahahaha!

Right I'm back off into the garden to soak up some more sun, toodle pip xxx


  1. Donna, good to see you resurface, albeit briefly - am thinking of you, and wishing you well. Hoping things pan out in the future. :)

    take care -


  2. Lovely photo! But they must have got your age wrong, I could swear you are only 29!

  3. How exciting!
    Yes, my fabric room can make me appear rather "ecentric" to visitors if they don't know about the selling factor. LOL

    Always enjoy browsing through your lovely fabrics!

    Kimberly :)

  4. I thought you were crazy? I know I am!

  5. Aren't you the most beautiful girl! What a photo! So nice to see you in print.

  6. Anonymous1:46 PM GMT

    I got really excited looking at the articles and your house. It really does look so beautiful that it made me well up. Especially when I look at the spaghetti bolognese that is trodden into the carpet at this moment! You really are brilliant. How do you do it with a little 'un around? I salute you Dons. Your things are so beautiful. I'm in awe. So cool.

  7. I shall certainly be buying Octobers issue of Period living! and no doubt I shall snip out the article and pop into my inspirations box.

    I can't believe that Prima left out your lovely website, what were they thinking?

    I hope that you and the wee ones are enjoying the sunshine, do come back again soon
    Victoria x

  8. Hello sweetie, hope you are ok? will be sure to get those mags, fancy not mentioning your website!

  9. Hi Donna, I think it helps to bit a bit crazy!!!

    I look forward to the October edition of PL! Clare x

  10. great shot of you in your shop! would love to come and take some pics, but alas i am too far away! hope all is well? you are a mad woman that just collects things though ain't ya?

  11. Hi Sweetie

    You didn't tell me you'd resurfaced - if only briefly - it's lovely to see you here again and to see your gorgeous face smiling out of the page :o}

    I send you big hugs xxxx


  12. Donna - It is a good job that I've seen the details of your website popping up all over the place to make up for Prima - how frustrating - for readers as much as for you,

  13. Hi Donna,
    It still looks like a great article and you look like a model!

    Look forward to the Period Living magazine, as I seem to keep missing you in all of your publications!....was that a mention in 'Country Living' this month?

    Nearly bumped into you in Ashburton, but we were unable to hang around any longer that afternoon.....Love Ros's shop!

    Have a great weekend,
    Niki xx

  14. Anonymous9:26 PM GMT

    You should be so pleased, what a great article and fab pics!

    Will be sure to pick up the october issue of period living...

    Well done you:)


  15. hello crazy lady - i've been thinking about you, hope you are ok.

    lovely lovely pic....


  16. Hi Donna -hope you're enjoying your summer. You look fab in that photo, looking forward to seeing more in Period Living!

  17. Hi Dons! Well, you ARE a crazy lady aren't you? Hee hee..

    I didn't realise your passion was actually so young (only seven years?)I assumed it was a lifelong thing ....or was it just lying dormant?

    Hope all is OK with you. Lots of love. xxxxx

  18. hope y'alreet donald

  19. Hi Donna! my october issue of period living arrived today, and you are in it! its a wonderful spread and you and your home look fab!

  20. Thank you thank you, to show your article to friends to prove that whilst they think I might be odd in my fabric addiction I am not alone. Suzie Sews

  21. Thankyou so much for your comments, I would love for you to come and visit my shop sometime.

    You must be so proud to have your beautiful home in all those magazines!

    Look foward to meeting you soon,

    Jennifer x


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