
Saturday, September 08, 2007

I'm Back

Just to let you know that I am back, I am well and I have spent ages doing a blog entry on my other site so I am now too tired to post an entry here! The Period Living feature is out so if you want to see it I have posted photos here. Apologies for the quality of them but my scanner isn't working so I had to photograph them and they aren't the best.

I will be back my sweeties with tales from my holiday and what I have been up to over summer.

See you soon x


  1. oh so glad you are back here lovie - thats such a great picture. Can't wait to see your Period Living pics, will go and look right now

    love to you


  2. So glad you're back. Will toddle off to look at the photos.

    Sue xx

  3. Oh... I'm so glad you are back and those photos and the article are great.

    You look fab in the pics too!

    Now I want to come round for tea! :O)

  4. ooh
    summer fun i hope?

  5. Welcome back, it's good to hear from you again. Hope your summer was good, I've just popped over to your other site and the photos are wonderful!!
    Kim x

  6. Welcome back - can't wait to hear all that you have been up to!


  7. Anonymous6:33 PM GMT

    WOOOHOOO, so glad you are back! I bought period living straight aay to "your article" and was proud to show it to friends and tell them it was blogging friend!

  8. Hello Donna, glad you are back hope all is well,Igot the Period living mag and the spread was awesome!

  9. Hey there Donna - so good to have you back. You 'sound' well. I'm off to Tesco now (just run out of milk) - a good excuse to pick up a copy of Period Living.
    Take care


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