
Thursday, September 20, 2007

Textile Sale

On Saturday I went to a textile sale held at my friend Lizzie's house in the beautiful Somerset countryside. I have been buying from Lizzie for some time now, usually at textile fairs, but this was her own 'end of summer' sale held at her house and in her barn. She had lots and lots of textiles and beautiful vintage costumes, as you can see (this actually isn't all of it). I bought loads including some lovely pieces that she had found especially for me.

After I had spent a small fortune with Lizzie I went to her friend Bronia's house which was a real Aladdin's cave. I was so awestruck by all her lovely bits that I forgot to take photos. She is having another sale in October so I will remember to take the camera out of my bag for that. Her house and emporium are just stuffed full of vintage and retro deliciousness!

I am off to London tomorrow for 3 days of child-free R&R, well retail therapy really but without the kids, hoorah. See you when I get back xxx

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Summer Lovin'

Summer was fun, it was over far too quickly. The children had less than 6 weeks this year and we filled every day with activities. Although the weather was less than perfect when we did get a good day we could pop to the beach, which is a mere 10 minutes away. Even if it wasn't hot we found the loveliest new surfy cafe right down on the beach for cream teas or a hot chocolate. I booked Alfie into some boysie activity days so that the girls and I could do what girls do best, go shopping! I had lots of thrifty finds in the summer holidays and got to make a trip to Ashburton to visit The Snug, a gorgeous shop, where I missed Niki by minutes as, coincidentally, she was there on holiday with her family. We both bought vintage chocolate boxes too!

Our holiday to Port Isaac was wonderful. I go with mum and the children for the last week of August. We rented the same gorgeous cottage that we stayed in last year and it really felt like coming home. It is a stone's throw from the harbour and all the gorgeous little shops, cafes and pubs. I could quite happily live there full-time, sewing and selling my fabrics. I might just end up there one day! There are always great things going on and the weather was brilliant which was a bonus.

I spent a lot of time and money in this lovely shop, Charmed, owned by Jackie Lewellyn-Bowen.

We went to the Big Cornish Day out which followed on from the success of the party they had last year to celebrate the centenary of John Betjeman. This was like a village fete really with stalls selling Cornish goods, old fashioned fairground rides and musical happenings in the arena, like this band who, although traditional in look, were playing 'Let me entertain you' by Robbie Williams as I took the photo.

My favourite stall was one that was there last year and I looked out for it. It was there. A gorgeous little camper van selling the most delicious vintage goodies. The stall was run by Shabby Chick, a lady called Amanda, who recognised me from my blog and confessed that she is a bit of a lurker, so hello Amanda :-). She has a stall in Totnes market so I shall have to make a trip down soon. It's amazing the power of blogging eh? I stocked up on some pretty vintage tins, a basket, patchwork and crocheted blankets. My friend, also called Amanda, bought a pretty deck chair made of vintage floral fabric.

My friend Amanda and her son Elliot came down and stayed in Port Isaac with us for a few days which was so nice. Alfie and Elliot are great pals and always love spending time together. Amanda and I never stop talking once we get together, we are such close friends and have been for some 16 years now. We have been through a lot together. She, like most of my closest friends, lives far away so I miss her terribly. We had a great few days on the beach, visiting Padstow, going on a speedboat ride, which I remembered halfway round that I hated last year but had forgotten, much to the amusement of all on board!

We had cream teas galore, well it would be rude not to, shopped 'til we dropped, went for fab meals and talked and talked and talked. When she left she made me sit down and handed me a large, flat, heavy thing in a bag. She started to tell me that this was something she had chosen for me for my new home and my new life but couldn't finish what she was saying and just flung herself at me sobbing. I didn't even know what she had given me but started crying too which then set mum off! She had bought me a beautiful painting by Katie Childs. The cottage we stay in is full of her gorgeous art work which I always admired. Amanda knew that Port Isaac was a special place to me so she knew I would love it, and I absolutely do!

So summer was great and I really enjoyed the laid back relaxed time I spent with my children, I really enjoy their company (most of the time). I leave you with a few photos of my little, and not so little, pickles.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

I'm Back

Just to let you know that I am back, I am well and I have spent ages doing a blog entry on my other site so I am now too tired to post an entry here! The Period Living feature is out so if you want to see it I have posted photos here. Apologies for the quality of them but my scanner isn't working so I had to photograph them and they aren't the best.

I will be back my sweeties with tales from my holiday and what I have been up to over summer.

See you soon x