
Thursday, September 20, 2007

Textile Sale

On Saturday I went to a textile sale held at my friend Lizzie's house in the beautiful Somerset countryside. I have been buying from Lizzie for some time now, usually at textile fairs, but this was her own 'end of summer' sale held at her house and in her barn. She had lots and lots of textiles and beautiful vintage costumes, as you can see (this actually isn't all of it). I bought loads including some lovely pieces that she had found especially for me.

After I had spent a small fortune with Lizzie I went to her friend Bronia's house which was a real Aladdin's cave. I was so awestruck by all her lovely bits that I forgot to take photos. She is having another sale in October so I will remember to take the camera out of my bag for that. Her house and emporium are just stuffed full of vintage and retro deliciousness!

I am off to London tomorrow for 3 days of child-free R&R, well retail therapy really but without the kids, hoorah. See you when I get back xxx


  1. Oh lovely lovely lovely, you do find the most wonderful sales...

  2. Hi Donna,
    What a shame I couldn't make it this time - glad that you had fun and spent lots of money!! hehe.....
    Thanks for sharing the photos.

    Enjoy your R&R!
    Niki xx

  3. Hope you have a great time in London Donna! I wish I could get to go to some of those sales you wrote about
    Kim x

  4. Hi Donna,
    Yes i do remember meeting you at Country Living last year.. Hello!
    Great to read about how well your business is going.. and about all the fab press coverage.
    Thanks for getting in touch and for the aniversary wishes.
    I have you bookmarked now so shall be back to read more! Hope you are having a fun weekend.

  5. Hi Donna

    Liz's sale looked brilliant and I was sorry I couldn't make it!

    Glad to see you back in blogland and look forward to hearing all about your shopping trip!!

    Clare x

  6. Hi Sweetie

    I've just read your latest entry and drooled over the photos.

    It was lovely to meet up with you in London - we must do it again sometime! hee hee


  7. Hey Dons.

    You're so lucky, there is nothing like that down this way!!!

    Country Living Fair - are you going? Maybe we can meet up to say Hi? I am about to book, dragging Mr Devil with me as well :-)

  8. Hey Dons, thanks for your comment. I can't take any time off work that week so I am not going until Saturday so you'll probably be home by then so we'll miss each other. If you will be in London on Sat morn though, drop me an email. W.


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