
Thursday, October 04, 2007

Well I am back, I have been for ages but I just don't know where the time goes!
I had a brilliant time in London, 3 fun, child free days filled with shopping, eating, laughing, drinking, loads of walking and lots of brilliant sunshine. I visited Portobello Market, Camden Market, the Mecca that is Cath Kidston's shop (of course) and Oxford Street. It really was just the tonic I needed.

In fact it was so great that I have booked my next trip there already. I am off to visit the Country Living Christmas Fair in November but have managed to eek it out for 3 days again, whoopee! My friend Amanda has also got a 3 day pass so we are currently looking at London hotels and are busy planning our activities. We are planning on visiting Beyond Retro and are staying in Hoxton. Any other tips on where we should go?

Business is great at the moment, it keeps me going, so I have made a big scary decision that I want to have a stall at The CL Christmas Fair next year, if they'll have me! I was so scared that the moment I made the decision I had to rush off to the toilet! I know a few of you have done a CL Fair and I would be so grateful for any advice. I can't do it this year as I have a 3 day craft fair to do at the Cowslip Workshops in Launceston. This is a lovely mini CL Fair which is actually held in the Country. If any of you are in Cornwall from the 16th - 18th of November, do pop in, it's a beautiful place.

I have had some great finds lately and have 2 textile fairs to attend in the next few days. I found these beautiful 1930's bluebird buttons in Portobello Market.

They are included in this big pile of vintage buttons, all recent finds and al will be finding their way to my website soon.

(click to enlarge)


  1. heres a tip on something else you should do in London in Nov - anything else WITH ME!!!

    hoping to meet up with Luce again at CL too - hope we can see you too.

    fab fab buttons. those glass bluebird ones are exquisite!

    i'm glad you had such a good break Donna, you deserve it.


  2. Ooh Donna, I am jealous. Sounds like you had a fabulous time!

    Allison x

  3. If the CL Fair is in Islington I would recommend lunch at the Fig and Olive or Ottolengi on Upper Street in and a look at all the lovely shops nearby including Loop, Oliver Bonas, After Noah and the antique stalls in Camden Passage

    On Sunday visit Columbia Road Flower Market and visit all the cute shops including Vintage Heaven, Treacle and Bob and Blossom. Cheshire Street is a ten minute walk away on Brick Lane which I posted about here:

    From Cheshire Street it is about 15 min walk to Spitalfiels Market. There are lots of lovely places to eat round there but my fave is Leon.

    PS This is an adapted version of the comment I left for Vintage Pleasure when she was visiting London there were lots of other good tips here:

    Have fun!

  4. yes, my tip would be to drag letty along

    hope y'alreet pet!

    i shall look out for some old buttons for you


  5. so glad you had a wonderful time x
    my only advice for the cl fair would be
    comfy shoes
    lots of money
    sturdy shoulders to cope with all the ladies trying to grab at the same item!!
    good luck and enjoy x
    tracy x

  6. Anonymous7:16 PM GMT

    oh I so miss London :) I used to work just up the road from Camden in Chalk Farm, it was a great place to be. If you are in London again don't forget to check out all the little nooks & crannies down Brick Lane and Spitafields and say hello from me! :) x

  7. Ooooh, you posted this two minutes after I went to bed for my very early night, cheeky girl!

    Looking forward to tomorrow's expidition - hee hee


  8. Hi Donna

    Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday - on my own this time!

    Took Mum to Bronia's today and saw Liz too.

    Sue xx

  9. Hi Donna,
    Glad to hear you had a great trip. Went up to London myself last week for a college reunion...London to me is energising.. it makes me feel young and vibrant. Although i am happiest at a slower pace in the sticks!
    It is real panic when you first decide to do Country Living Fair.. i remember how we felt. The expense, side is always pretty scary. Your business seems to be thriving, you know your stuff and i'm sure have a good idea about what would do well there for you. If you want any advice about our experiences please drop me an email, we are always happy to share.

  10. Looks like a fab time..and I'm planning on doing the CL as perhaps we will finally meet!


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