
Sunday, October 07, 2007

Retro Recycling

On Saturday I went to Bronia's house in Somerset for her 'End of Summer' open house sale. You may remember me telling you about her house before. She has recently moved into here house and it is decorated in a mostly 1950's style with the bedrooms being a more shabby chic boudoir style. All absolutely delicious. She has a fabulous collection of things and I knew it would be somewhere that my mum would love to visit as their tastes and style of decor are so similar. I took mum and, as I knew, she loved it. She and Bronia have so many of the same touches around their homes that they could be living parallel lives! Bronia has her emporium outside the house in a very large garage and workshop which houses her huge collection of textiles, ceramics and vintage fashion items. I took my camera with me this time so that I could show you.

Here are the textiles all piled up. I bought lots of beautiful fabrics an eiderdown and some stunning hand painted French buttons.

We had a lovely time. I do so enjoy spending time with like-minded friends.

On Bronia's recommendation I also bought the Rose Maroc gazebo from Cath Kidston, reduced in their sale. I can't wait to see, and use, it!

Today I introduced mum to the delights of the local recycling centre. Our recycling centre has an area where items that have been dumped can be bought (for very little). Some of these things are really brilliant e.g wooden doors, furniture, bathroom fittings, mirrors, records, books, bric a brac and textiles of course!! Today I found 2 eiderdowns, which sadly need a bit of tlc, a lot of retro towelling, an old shabby chic religious painting and a cut glass scent bottle. It is amazing what people throw away and so wonderful that they can be truly recycled like this.

We visited a recycling centre in Somerset on our way home yesterday. I pulled up and immediately spotted a gorgeous wooden trunk, mum spotted an old wooden step ladder and there was a huge shipping container full of textiles. I approached the man who was in charge of the place who informed me that they were not allowed to sell the items as a bric a brac man had the contract to clear all items nor was he allowed to give it away. He agreed with me that this was very sad but none of the recycling centres in Somerset resell their items. I think a lot of these things will not be appreciated by the bric a brac man and will end up being shredded, pulped or burnt. Our charity shops are turning away old textiles, buttons, furniture and want only clothes with 'labels' like Next!!! They organise their fashions into colour blocks and they now have such a sterile feeling that I rarely find anything of interest there. They do not sell buttons because of the risk of choking! So thank goodness for the recycling centres of Devon, my new favourite place.


  1. Hi Donna

    I'm glad you've drawn attention to the ridiculous situation we find ourselves in in Somerset. There is a recycling centre here in Somerton and although I see all sorts of goodies I'm not allowed to buy and the chaps on duty say they'd get the sack if they sold anything - the 24-hour security cameras make sure they don't.

    Have no fear - the bric-a-brac man will take everything. What he doesn't want personally he puts into a chattels auction - at least that's what happens here. I had a very rough old tin trunk that I decided was past revamping (you have to know when to draw the line) so we took it to the tip. A couple of weeks later I saw it in a local chattels auction. I knew it was mine, immediately, because of the dents - and when I opened the lid the old birthday card that had been in it when I dumped it was still there. That's how I found out about the bric-a-brac man. Apparently he takes the stuff to auction and shares (???) the proceeds with the company operating the recycling centre.

  2. Anonymous12:37 PM GMT

    Hi Donna,
    What a shame about the recycling centres, I think we have the same in Kent!

    Might bump into you at the County Living fair as I plan to go (again)this year! It would be fab to see you there selling your fabrics, I reckon you would go down an absolute storm. Much as I love it, it's always good to see some fresh faces and ideas! V.V Rouleaux is good for a shopping trip, fantastic ribbons and trimmings. It's expensive but you won't find anything like it anywhere else! They have a website so worth checking out if you think you might like what they have to offer

    Sounds like you have had some really profitable shopping trips and I love the buttons that you have bought!


  3. Wow, it's so great that there are so many things down your way for the fabric-a-holic. Got your comment. If I could give up my day job I would do, in a shot! Maybe one day. It's a shame that you won't be around on the Saturday afternoon of CL. Never mind. I'm sure we'll meet eventually. Good news about the stand at next years show. I thought about it o, but it's too expensive for me at this stage. Hope all is well honey. Bye bye.

  4. Arrggh, what a waste...I am getting to loath charity shops, they are full of new tat, and way overpriced. They have become victims of their own success and it's terribly sad, not to mention I have lost interest in what used to be my favourite kind of shopping. But anyhow, that is a wonderful shop, I am eyeing those textile piles...

  5. We used to be able to buy stuff from our recycling center, but now it has changed so you just have to look adoringly at lovely old stuff that you will never own - very sad.

    Glad to see that you have found lots of fabulous new pieces of fabric, you have such an eye for finding great things! wherever you go.
    Victoria x

  6. that is such a crime! charity shops certainly aren't what they used to be........

    i do need to check out our local recycling centres.


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