
Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Crikey! This morning I have been filming for BBC Spotlight, the local news channel. The young journalist had spotted the article about me in The Times last June. She phoned me this morning and asked if she could do an interview about how the postal strike has affected my mail order company. The house was a bomb site so after a 30 minute frantic rush round to get it looking half presentable I was ready for my close up (not!). I had a nervous sniffle and it all felt quite surreal. It's on at 6.30pm this evening, eeeeeeeeeeeeek!


  1. I bet your house looked beautiful! I think you can watch stuff from that website, so I will keep checking back to see if it's been put up, as I don't think we get it here - at least not for Devon. Well done you!

  2. Not sure if we get that, but presumably I'll be able to view it online later!

    Good to see you yesterday - even if it was only briefly!

    Sue xx

  3. Oooh I have just this second watched your were as cool as a cucumber and they gave you some great publicity for your business! Way hey Dons!

  4. Just seen you...and a little peek of your business looked lovely! Hope the strike wont last too long...must say you are a media wizz, you are everywhere!!

  5. At last I seem to have sorted out a few problems on my pc and can now, after a long time I can now read your blog again, does this mean I am an addict??? Fantastic about the interview, for us not so lucky to live in your beautiful area please link us if we can watch it online.
    Suzie Sews

  6. A very professional interview (not that I'm an expert). Well done

  7. Anonymous10:39 PM GMT

    after a bit of fiddling with the media players, i finally got see the interview. It was great! you cam across very well and you looked super. The postal strike has hit me hard too. I hope someone steps in an sorts it out.

    p.s. The sight of all that fabric was delicious!

  8. It wasn't anywhere near as bad as you made out it was going to be!!! Brilliant interview - well done! And the fabrics looked even better than they do on your blog, and you looked nearly as good as you do in the flesh!!!! Hee hee.
    Sue xx

  9. Hi Darling,

    Finally blogland will allow me to leave a comment on your blog.

    I'm sooo proud of you, Sweetie :o}

    I told just about everyone I know to watch, so I'll be basking in your glory today - hee hee!


  10. Hi Donna,
    very professional - and yor house looked good too!


  11. I hope some kind soul will YouTube it for me!

  12. oh how exciting..i'm off to watch it now!

    You are so brave going on telly Dons!


  13. oh boo hoo...too late. They've taken it off the website...yes, someone put it on YouTube for me and Antipo please.

  14. oh poo, i wanted to see it online too! yes please, someone Youtube this for me too me too

    anyway congrats Donna, your publicity seems to be going like a storm!

  15. Hi Donna - hope all is well with you. sorry I missed your TV spot, congrats! Just catching up on all your posts, you've had some great days out and fabulous finds. Take care
    Ki mx

  16. Hi Donna

    Ooh how exciting! I hope it went well, do you have on dvd so we can all come round and watch it?!

    Thanks for the chat last week - it was great to talk!

    Clare x

  17. Wonder if we can see you on the bbc spotlight on youtube eventually?


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