
Monday, October 29, 2007


My cleaner has another string to her bow, she has a small antique/junk shop that she runs with her boyfriend, and she often finds me lovely bits and pieces. These beautiful elm wood shelves were in their shop and I thought they would be perfect for housing all the fabric that is currently for sale on my website. This way I can see at a glance what is and isn't in stock. I put them in my study, polished them with a lovely wax polish and put all my fabrics, sorted into date order, on them. I love them as they make me feel very organised. I also enjoy seeing them as I look across and see the pretty piles of mouthwatering textiles just inches away from where I sit on my computer.

Someone else loves them just as much as I do. My aging tortoiseshell cat, Bella, has found a perfect little nest in amongst the vintage children's section! She has now been turfed out much to her dismay.

This Sunday there was little mention of the website in the Sunday Telegraph's Stella magazine under their 'Stella Loves' section. The phone has not stopped ringing all day today. The readership of the Telegraph are a bit older I fancy as every caller has been elderly and each one has asked me for a brochure or catalogue. I do not have either as my website is my online catalogue, stock changes constantly. It also seems that the majority of the readers do not have a computer, whoops! Oh well the piece looked nice.


  1. Hi Donna

    There's something about piles of fabric ...

    I've had a similar experience with older people without a computer wanting a catalogue!

    Not long till Ilminster!!!

    Sue xx

  2. Anonymous3:38 AM GMT

    Hi Donna,

    Gorgeous shelves! Made for your fabric treasures!
    I really like the haircut. Looks great on you.

  3. Anonymous1:17 PM GMT

    I get that alot too Donna,customers calling and asking for a catalogue. They must not realise that "vintage" or "antique" means they are not reproductions and therefore we are unable to provide a catalogue which of course would have to be reprinted each week! Still nice to see your name in print huh? Love the shelves, being organised is a great feeling!

  4. Anonymous1:24 PM GMT

    i love the new hair by the way. I love bob's but i know what you mean about VB!

  5. Hiya Dons, loving the new hair. Time wasters are such a pain, but I know that when the time is right, the right person will come along :-) Sounds like the website is doing really well, that's great.

  6. Aaah what are we going to do with all these computer-less people? Tch!

    It all looks lovely and very touchy feely...I mean, I'd love to run my hands over all that pretty fabric..but then you might not lime my grubby paws on it.

    Hope to meet you when you are in London for the Country Living Fair.

  7. great shelves Donna! and look at all those gorgeous vintage prints!

  8. there is something about a pile of fabric...Lush
    Suzie Sews


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