
Friday, November 09, 2007


It has a busy time for me lately and continues to be so. Lots of textile fairs to attend, website to update, a 3 day craft fair to prepare for, a trip to London to plan etc etc. Throw into that mix a horrid tummy bug for a 2 year old and you can see why I haven't had time to post recently. So let me update you, firstly I went to the textile fair in Ilminster where I met up with 'those girls', (Bronia had gone home so missed her photo opportunity this time!), Sue and a whole bunch of other Textileaholics! I went with my friend Sally and my little Lizzy who, if you enlarge the photo below, you can see behind Lizzie, to the left, half way up the stairs! Little pickle!

I bought lots of beautiful fabrics including a whole bunch of American feedsacks from this lady who always has beautiful textiles and haberdashery bits.

Next was the textile fair in Cullompton. It was held in The Walronds, a beautiful house that is usually closed to the public, so it was a great opportunity to see the inside of this building.

More lovely fabrics and a chance to meet up with like-minded, vintage-loving, girls and boys. Bronia managed to get her photo this time, here's her scrummy stall.

A few miles down the road my friend Hesta was having a sale at her house so I set off, stopping en-route at Fagins, a wonderful antiques emporium in the middle of the Devon countryside. It is a treasure trove of all things old and wonderful. I was in my element as I rummaged around the fabrics and suitcases full of old tins.

Then on to Hesta's 'Green Glamour' sale. She lives in a lovely little thatched cottage in the heart of Devon. She and her friend Fiona had done up her little garage like the prettiest, girlie, vintage shop. Such fun! Hesta and Fiona are very clever, creative people so I got some gorgeous bits and had a great time hanging out with them both, my kinda girls!

Finally I popped into the recycling centre on my way home and found some vintage kids fabrics. A fab, fabricky kind of day.


  1. Why can I not find friends like these...Lovely pictures that make me want to shop!!!
    Hope your all felling better and have a great weekend.

  2. Anonymous6:06 PM GMT

    Wow, what a fabulous time you must have had. it sounds dreamy! All the pics make me want jump right into piles of fabrics and other beautiful vintage goods. You have been a seriously busy girl but you look lovely for it!

  3. Hi Donna

    Such a shame I missed Cullompton - but I had to play in my shed/studio that day!! Lovely to see you at Ilminster. Once I've got sorted I think an open day is called for, don't you? I'll work on that idea!

    So glad both 'those girls' managed to get in the photos again, Bronia's coming to see me on Monday. It's definitely time the two of them had blogs, don't you agree?

    Hope Lizzie is better now.

    Sue xx

  4. I so enjoyed reading your site. What wonderful pictures!!

  5. Anonymous11:12 AM GMT

    Love the piccies of 'the girls'! Looks like you have had a super time you lucky thing...look forward to seeing those fabrics on the website as I need to replenish my 'stash'

    Hope your little girl is feeling better...


  6. Oh take me with you Donna, I was just drooling over all those fairs and treasures!! Hope you have a good weekend and your daughter is better.
    Kim x
    PS the ladybird wrapping paper comes from a shop in Brighton called Pussy, but I'm sure you could find another stockist on google. I could always get you some if you want.

  7. Hi,

    Glory be! Blogger has allowed me to comment after weeks and weeks out in the wilderness.

    I enjoy your blogsite so much.
    I've been loving all the pics,

    oh - and FAB shoeboots Sweetie!

  8. o goodie, you're back again. and o goodie, more pics.

    lovely pics, lovely fabric and lovely you.

    see you soon!


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