
Saturday, November 10, 2007


I have been preparing for a 3 day craft fair to be held in Launceston at the Cowslip Workshops next weekend. I am mostly selling fabrics, buttons, quilts, ribbons etc., this year. Since my partner and I decided to separate after 19 years together my creative urge has all but dried up. This really upsets me, I regularly get the sewing machine and fabrics out, look at them blankly before sadly putting them all away again. It just isn't happening for me right now. I decided to give myself a break, it will come back once we sell this house and I am able to move on with my life. In the meantime I am just holding myself together and pouring my creative energies into my children, work and home. Luckily for me there are some cool crafty chicks out there who have made some wonderful things for me to sell on my stall alongside the fabrics. Firstly Allison, of Lark fame, who made me some beautiful bits using vintage fabrics that I sent to her as well as a few she has. How gorgeous are these?

Then Alison from So Tread Softly who made me a whole batch of corsages made of vintage Suffolk Puffs (yo-yo's). I had admired the ones on Tanya's website and asked Alison if she would like to make some for me. They have been expertly made and arrived so quickly from New Zealand. She also included a gift of a felt corsage (see bottom right of photo) that she made especially for me. It's stunning and makes me smile every time I wear it.

My friend Gail has also been making some little smocks and cushions for me but these haven't arrived yet due to her being ill all last week. Thank you girls, my stall will look lovely thanks to you.

I am off to London for 3 days on Monday to visit the Country Living Xmas Fair amongst other jolly things. The day after I get back I will be travelling down to the Cowslip Workshops to set up my stall so I will post lots of lovely pictures when I get back. If any of you can come, please do, it's a gorgeous little fair in a beautiful venue, and it will be so lovely to see you.


  1. Hello Donna
    So glad that I re-discovered you via Niki at Nostalgia..
    Your blog and business is such a visual feast .. I love it all..I could feel my heart quicken when I saw all the gorgeous corsages and other goodies destined for the show.. Wish I could visit.. one day..Hope the show goes well..

  2. Oh they are just lovely! I know what you mean about not being creative, it comes in fits and starts for me too Donna,and everyone has so much on leading up to Christmas,but as you say once the house is sold you can start moving on,hard times sweetie, I am thinking of you.xxxx

  3. Anonymous8:46 AM GMT

    Hi Donna,
    Thank you for the plug and your lovely comments. Made me smile too!
    Have fun at the Country Living Fair. If you see Caroline Zoob's stall and there's a woman there in her very early 30's then that will be my friend Michelle. Please say a BIG hello to her from me in NZ.
    The very best of British at the craft fair. You're going to be FAB!
    Alison xx

  4. Hi Dons,

    I wish I could come to the fair, looks like you have some fab stuff. Good luck and hope all is well .


  5. lovely stuff.

    "suffolk puffs"? haven't heard of them, i must investigate...

    was lovely to see you.

  6. Hi Dons, thanks for your comment. Oooo, what did you buy? I bet you laughed when you recognised all the fabrics :-)

  7. Hi Donna,

    Good luck this weekend - you have some great things to sell!

    How was the CL Xmas fair? I've never been to one but imagine there are lots of lovely things on offer!

    Clare x

  8. Anonymous8:11 PM GMT

    Hi Donna, this post really struck a chord with me! If it is any help at all I felt the same way when I had a relationship breakup some years ago. My reaction was that I could not bear to read any of the home magazines, it used to make me feel really ill to even think about it. Luckily everything came back even stronger and I am sure it will for you too.

    I just love those buttons.....


  9. it'll come back love, worry not. give it time and space, and you will return all shiny and full of yourself again soon. i love the hot water bottle cover!
    take care donald

  10. Hi Sweetie

    Blogger has let me in again at last....
    Lovely, lovely, lovely gorgeous little things!
    When you have time, PLEASE do a show and tell about your weekend? - oh - I mean two weekends don't I?



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