
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Duffy - Warwick Avenue

This girl, with that voice, is my favourite at the moment. Enjoy!

Ch ch ch ch changes

Sang a la Bowie of course!

Yes as you can see folks, mirroring my real life, I am going through changes to my blog design so don't be surprised to find that it may look different every time you visit as I am liable to make changes until I find a look I am happy with. I adored my last blog that was designed for me by a very talented fellow blogger but it had far too many photos on that I no longer wanted to see and I didn't know how to remove or change them. She has just had a baby and is probably far too busy with important Mummy stuff to be fiddling with my silly blog so I shall have to fuss and fiddle about myself until I get it right. If anyone knows how to make my header stretch to fit the outline I would be grateful.

I have a busy few days ahead, a little mention in the Guardian G2 Eco Christmas Shopping guide tomorrow so look out for me if you buy one and another photo shoot on Friday and Saturday, of which I will tell more soon. I have been busy adding more goodies to my website including this fabulous red and white twine which is all over this month's Country Living Magazine. I am selling two different types, perfect for those Christmas parcels wrapped up simply with brown paper or white tissue.

All together now, It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, tra la la la la

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Busy Week

Last week was such a busy week. I went to London for 3 days with my friend Amanda, taking my daughter Jazz and her boyfriend Jack. We stayed in Hoxton in a fabulous ubercool hotel called The Hoxton Lodge. I can highly recommend it, great place run by the same group that brought us Pret a Manger. It was such a tonic, I had a fantastic time. We did so much in those 3 days. We went shopping lots (of course), had several makeovers, met up with Lettuce for a drink in the hotel bar (she was lovely), went to see the Couture Exhibition at the V&A, had afternoon tea at Harvey Nicks, went to the Country Living Christmas Fair, ate lots of lovely food, drank like a couple of fish, laughed and laughed and laughed and talked loads. It was so nice to wake up next to someone who liked me. I didn't realise how sapping it can be to spend time with someone who no longer loves you and makes it quite obvious that he doesn't actually like you much either!

It was so lovely to spend 3 whole days with one of my oldest (actually youngest), friends. We never get to spend enough time having 6 children between us and living so far apart. Jazz and Jack did their own thing meeting up with us for meals. They loved exploring London on their own.

Liberty makeover (taken by charming gentleman passer by who said we didn't need makeovers!)

Amanda in opulent dining room at the V&A

Beautiful bauble-like lights in V&A dining hall

Harvey Nicks for afternoon tea. Me with 'Emo' style eye makeup courtesy of Mac!

Jazz and Jack with afternoon tea (very yummy)

Going out for dinner

Country Living Christmas Fair

It was hard to come home again after all that fun, but I missed my little ones so much that I was looking forward to seeing them. I got home around midnight and after a quick cuddle before packing them off to school the next morning, I packed up my car with the stock for my craft fair stall at the Cowslip in Launceston. I spent 4 hours setting it up ready for the next 3 days. Here it is just before I left to drive home.

It was a great fair, very well attended and lots of the right sort of people who really like vintage stuff. I arrived the next morning at 10.30am ready for the opening at 11am to find a whole load of early birds standing in my stall clutching items to their chests waiting for me to arrive!!!! It was mad and busy for the first few hours and then settled into a comfortable, steady stream for the next few days. I met some great people, both customers and other stall holders. I was kept entertained and fed with pieces of home made cake by the couple opposite me, William and Joanna Agur. They sell gorgeous vintage gardening items and country home furniture at very reasonable prices. They were just the loveliest couple.

Next to me stood Alan who was a brilliant upholsterer. His workmanship was flawless. He used to be a farmer before taking up upholstery and now lives on one of the cottages on his family's old farm with a barn converted for a workshop. He was so sweet when I was packing up and took all my bags and loaded up my car. 4 hours to put the stall up and only 30 minutes to take it all down!

I had some nice visitors to my stall too. Friends I had met on courses I had done at the Cowslip, people I had met at other textile fairs who had travelled down just to see me and people who found me for the first time. Amanda (shabby chick) from Totnes came and I managed to remember to whip out the camera to persuade her to have a photo with me seeing as she is often mentioned on my blog. she is camera shy and hates having her photo taken but when you're as gorgeous as she is I can't understand why can you?

I sold so much that the car was a little lighter on the way home. If there is anything that catches your eye that you like the look of do drop me an email as I might still have it and not everything will be making its way onto the website.

So, now I am back home, getting on with life as normal (whatever that is), updating the website, adding new items for sale and getting ready for Christmas. My decorations may be up earlier this year. I'll tell you why next week! Talking of decorations take a look at these beautiful Christmas baubles made by two very clever customers of mine. They are called Gorgeous and sell their things on Not on the High Street. They have made these delicious baubles using 1940's and 50's fabrics that they bought from me. Aren't they clever? I am now the proud owner of 3 of them and they are even prettier in real life than in the photo let me tell you!

Saturday, November 10, 2007


I have been preparing for a 3 day craft fair to be held in Launceston at the Cowslip Workshops next weekend. I am mostly selling fabrics, buttons, quilts, ribbons etc., this year. Since my partner and I decided to separate after 19 years together my creative urge has all but dried up. This really upsets me, I regularly get the sewing machine and fabrics out, look at them blankly before sadly putting them all away again. It just isn't happening for me right now. I decided to give myself a break, it will come back once we sell this house and I am able to move on with my life. In the meantime I am just holding myself together and pouring my creative energies into my children, work and home. Luckily for me there are some cool crafty chicks out there who have made some wonderful things for me to sell on my stall alongside the fabrics. Firstly Allison, of Lark fame, who made me some beautiful bits using vintage fabrics that I sent to her as well as a few she has. How gorgeous are these?

Then Alison from So Tread Softly who made me a whole batch of corsages made of vintage Suffolk Puffs (yo-yo's). I had admired the ones on Tanya's website and asked Alison if she would like to make some for me. They have been expertly made and arrived so quickly from New Zealand. She also included a gift of a felt corsage (see bottom right of photo) that she made especially for me. It's stunning and makes me smile every time I wear it.

My friend Gail has also been making some little smocks and cushions for me but these haven't arrived yet due to her being ill all last week. Thank you girls, my stall will look lovely thanks to you.

I am off to London for 3 days on Monday to visit the Country Living Xmas Fair amongst other jolly things. The day after I get back I will be travelling down to the Cowslip Workshops to set up my stall so I will post lots of lovely pictures when I get back. If any of you can come, please do, it's a gorgeous little fair in a beautiful venue, and it will be so lovely to see you.

Friday, November 09, 2007


It has a busy time for me lately and continues to be so. Lots of textile fairs to attend, website to update, a 3 day craft fair to prepare for, a trip to London to plan etc etc. Throw into that mix a horrid tummy bug for a 2 year old and you can see why I haven't had time to post recently. So let me update you, firstly I went to the textile fair in Ilminster where I met up with 'those girls', (Bronia had gone home so missed her photo opportunity this time!), Sue and a whole bunch of other Textileaholics! I went with my friend Sally and my little Lizzy who, if you enlarge the photo below, you can see behind Lizzie, to the left, half way up the stairs! Little pickle!

I bought lots of beautiful fabrics including a whole bunch of American feedsacks from this lady who always has beautiful textiles and haberdashery bits.

Next was the textile fair in Cullompton. It was held in The Walronds, a beautiful house that is usually closed to the public, so it was a great opportunity to see the inside of this building.

More lovely fabrics and a chance to meet up with like-minded, vintage-loving, girls and boys. Bronia managed to get her photo this time, here's her scrummy stall.

A few miles down the road my friend Hesta was having a sale at her house so I set off, stopping en-route at Fagins, a wonderful antiques emporium in the middle of the Devon countryside. It is a treasure trove of all things old and wonderful. I was in my element as I rummaged around the fabrics and suitcases full of old tins.

Then on to Hesta's 'Green Glamour' sale. She lives in a lovely little thatched cottage in the heart of Devon. She and her friend Fiona had done up her little garage like the prettiest, girlie, vintage shop. Such fun! Hesta and Fiona are very clever, creative people so I got some gorgeous bits and had a great time hanging out with them both, my kinda girls!

Finally I popped into the recycling centre on my way home and found some vintage kids fabrics. A fab, fabricky kind of day.