
Friday, December 14, 2007

For your eyes only!

A sneak preview of the photo shoot so that you don't have to wait a whole year to see them, enjoy!

(click on photos to enlarge)

Oh yes, I forgot to mention but clever Tat spotted that I have indeed gained another son, the lovely blonde boy sat with me on the sofa. He is in fact my friend Dolly's son, Joe, who had been off school for the day. They came over on the first day to help out. My children were at school so he was roped in to be my son. It only came out later that evening as they were wrapping up the shoot that the photographer had assumed Joe was my son and had no idea he was Dolly's! It was such a nice shot that I said oh well, never mind, no one will notice and he is a really lovely boy I could happily adopt him!


  1. Everything looks lovely Donna! Have thoroughly enjoyed gazing at all the photos, so thanks for the preview!

    Sue xx

  2. Anonymous7:55 AM GMT

    Goodness gracious and I haven't even got my tree up yet!

    You are to the manor born me dear...

    kisses, glad the parcel arrived xx Did Bad tell you I rang?

  3. Anonymous8:01 AM GMT

    Who's that with you on the sofa? that's never master bad?

  4. Oh pictures of your home never fail to make me feel like torching mine! gorgeous Donna!

  5. Those pics are the dogs nads! Looking fabulous and gorgeous as ever. :-) Hope you're well.

    Glad the headers are sorted.


  6. Hoorah indeed...I have just poured over these pictures...oh just yummy, yummy and yummy again. I am not usually gushy but these pictures are why I buy magazines...

  7. Beautiful pictures Donna!

  8. Beautiful pictures Donna!

  9. haha - so beautiful, I seemed to say it twice!??

  10. Anonymous10:10 PM GMT

    Now those are some seriously lovely pics, but even more than the lovely big house is your sense of style for interiors which is just wonderful. Excellent job!

  11. Utterly sublime.... what a beautiful home you have Donna.... now where did I put that paint pot!
    Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas.

  12. blogs looking nice Donna
    so's the house

    and is that 3 Christmas Trees????
    THREE? and not even ONE of them upside down?

  13. They are absolutely beautiful!

  14. Anonymous8:03 PM GMT

    Yes quite Letty, getting one up this year was nothing short of a miracle! Mind you we got it up the right way!

  15. will you adopt me too? how can a house be so beautiful? you must organise a room for me at once!

  16. wow, seriously gorgeous photos.
    How wonderful to see your home, so perfect and lovely in a glossy magazine.
    you must have worked so hard! please come over and do mine!

    Merry Christmas you lot, from us lot over here.

    Victoria x

  17. Hi Donna,
    Your home is totally stunning and the photos are beautiful. Thanks so much for the preview.
    Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and lots of happiness in 2008!
    Love Niki x

  18. Love the photos, your home is so beautiful but I think you could make any house look that way! Merry Christmas to you and your family and I hope 2008 is a good year for you.
    Gill x

  19. Hi Donna

    What fantastic photos - absolutely gorgeous!

    A very Merry Christmas to and your family!

    Clare xx

  20. Happy Yule and Merry Christmas Donna, queen of the mags, your place looks fantastic

  21. Oh Donna!

    If there is one thing I like, it's a bit of typography...

    ...I LOVE it!!!!!

    (It actually made me feel quite emotional)

    Thank you soooooo much.
    Hope your Christmas was fab.


  22. Here's hoping your Christmas wishes came true, if not you have a whole NEW year to make them happen...Wishing all the very best Donna.
    Love Suzie Sews

  23. Oooh (dribbling as I type). Now heres a thing Donna.... if I came in to a lot of money and bought a new house (very big of course - stuff the heating bills) then I could ask you very nicely if...(for lots of money) you would come and style my house. Well a girl can dream? Love the pictures - so totally gorgeous. Happy New Year to you and yours.

  24. It all looks so lovely Donna. xxx


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