
Thursday, December 13, 2007

Photo Shoot

Hoorah, finally got my header sorted out, thanks to Woo!

It has been another busy few weeks Chez Moi let me tell you. In between Christmas shopping, stocking the website and generally keeping the whole shebang ticking away, I have had a 2 day photo shoot for a couple of freelance photographers who came over from Ireland for a week to shoot a few nice houses in England. They were meant to be shooting the interior of my friends Andrew and David who own the beautiful shop
Cool, Calm Collected but they weren't ready as they are still doing their house up. They asked me kindly if I wouldn't mind doing it instead which would save face for them and not waste the time of the photographers. It was a Christmas shoot and they told me that they would bring a truck load of stuff and just do it all for me. Wow, I thought, how nice, saves me decorating this year. I had decided not to do any more interior shoots as we are selling the house but I haven't sold the house yet, and I might as well exploit it while I still have it, so I agreed. I spoke to Marie the female styling side of the team who was delighted that I would be up for a shoot at my house. She then phoned me back a few hours later and told me that after seeing my press and website that she wouldn't need to bring anything as she loved my style. Pooh! Instead of being hands-off it was totally hands-on for me but, apart from it being utterly exhausting, I really enjoyed the whole experience and could quite happily become a stylist or photographers assistant if the vintage fabric business goes tits up! The team who shot it have to then find a magazine to sell it to. They have a good relationship with a lot of the editors of the glossy interiors magazines so were confident that it would be no problem finding my shoot a little slot somewhere. Last night I had an email congratulating me for getting into
25 Beautiful Homes where you will see me next Christmas!!! I of course should be long gone from here and hopefully restyling a new house.


  1. Anonymous11:29 PM GMT

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  2. Anonymous11:29 PM GMT

    how exciting to hear what has been going on Donna! I always wanted to be a stylist but now I do it for myself and family instead of getting paid to do it. I look forward to some ranting posts from you, bring it on!

  3. Anonymous12:09 AM GMT

    i could so do with a rant too. it would be full of effings and blindings though.

    maybe i'll save it for when i come over - after a couple of glasses of mulled wine ;p

    actually, by that point i won't give a toss about anything! :D

    can't wait to see you


  4. Hi Donna,
    Thank you for the sneaky peek at your gorgeous kitchen - it looks especially lovely at Christmas time - can't believe we'll have to wait a whole year to see the article!!

    Hope 2008 is a great year for you and the sale of the house goes through...


  5. Anonymous9:07 AM GMT

    Ohhh you rant away girlfriend, I love a good rant me.... do you think woo would look at my header it shrunk over night and i want big gold shoes at the top and not wee ones, shall i ask?

  6. actually i might come and have a rant in your comments soon, would that be ok?

    house looking fab as always honey, congrats. I can't wait to see where you'll be moving to and what you do with it - i hope its not going to take too long.

  7. Hi Donna

    It's all lovely, as ever. Hope a sale materialises soon so that you can move on. Do we really have to wait until next December? Still, it'll be worth it!

    Looking forward to a good rant soon!!

    Sue xx

  8. Blimey, aren't people cheeky? ( the link-stealer that is).

    I used to be a stylist on a magazine and it was the hardest work EVER. Yes, I did get to ponce around with nice bits and bobs but usually had to send them back (groan!) and carry heavy bags around everywhere. There would always be some impossibly glamorous model lounging about and me flapping around red faced and sweating. It was a laugh as well of course!

    Have a happy Christmas . . love the pix of your house. gorgeous as usual!

  9. I have no idea how someone could even do that! Advertise through your links I mean. So glad you invited me to visit.Does that mean I won't be able to keep track through bloglines?


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