
Sunday, June 01, 2008

Catch Up

Where oh where does the time go? Oh dear readers I am so sorry that I do not make such regular appearances on my blog any more, I have such good intentions, and I would not be at all surprised if you have not all abandoned me! I have been so busy doing lots of lovely and exciting things, that I long to share with you, and the time left over is so short that I find myself doing anything other than turn on my computer.

So, a quick update?

I had a great time at the Talent for Textiles Fair in Ilminster. I don't usually sell at fairs as it is difficult to organise with the children but I was asked to have a stall. It is such a lovely fair and very hard to get into so I felt privileged to have been asked, and determined to do anything I could to make it happen. Mum said she would help me on the stall, so, with her help, and the help of my brilliant childminder who usually looks after my little Lizzy for a day and a half, I managed to put together a stall. I decided to take 1940's and 50's fabrics and kid's fabrics as there are plenty of sellers who sell faded florals. It was great to meet some customers, both old and new, hang out with other lovely stall holders and fabricaholics. It was so nice to see Sue and to see that she is on the mend, slowly! I had a great day.

I was lucky enough to be next to my favourite stall holder Lizzie. Here are her gorgeous bits.

Then we had another birthday in the house, Alfie was 8. He had a great time, lots of Lord of the Rings goodies (his new passion), a pizza making party with his best buddies and then a big party at his Daddy's laser site playing soldiers. I can't believe my little boy is 8 already. He is growing into such a beautiful big boy.

My friend Amanda came to stay with her son Elliott and her husband Matt and we spent a great few days together. Alfie and Elliott are just stuck to each other like glue and are totally oblivious to all around them when they are together. Amanda and I have been firm friends for 17 years and it is so lovely to see our boys being such good friends with each other.

It was nice to see the big boys playing so nicely together too!

I also got to spend a day with Lizzie, and her nephew and niece who were staying with their lovely Aunt for the week. We decided to take them to Tropiquaria , a funny little theme park in Watchet which Lizzie described as being a little 'RoystonVasey'. She wasn't wrong but the kids absolutely loved it and that's all that matters!

We did get to visit the lovely Buttercup and Roses shop where we made some pretty purchases and met the lovely Jennifer. Here is Lizzie and the gang outside. The kids are trying to figure out why on earth we would want to go inside!

I really enjoyed spending time with Lizzie and the kids got on great together too. After going back to her house for tea I left with 2 tired children and set off for home. About 15 minutes into my journey I experienced the heaviest rainfall I have EVER seen. I could not see out of the car and was hitting big lakes of water in the road. I thought it best to pull into a layby for a while to see if the rain would stop. I was so scared, in fact I have never been so scared before. Lizzy had fallen asleep by this time but Alfie was still awake and was also so scared that he started to cry. After sitting there for 10 minutes with no let up in the rain, in fact it was getting heavier, the layby was starting to fill up with water and I phoned Paul at home for some reassurance. He was in the garden, cutting the grass, in the sunshine!!! No rain in North Devon. The sky was so black and there was thunder and lightening which cut my phone signal. I decided to leave the layby for fear of being swept away, it really was that dramatic, and head for home, towards the dry weather. So slowly, slowly I drove through the craziest rain and storm until after about 30 minutes it stopped as suddenly as it had started. It was such a relief and looking back at the black black skies behind us Alfie said we had just left Mordor! It was not an experience I want to repeat and I have never been so glad to get home. Watching the news that night I saw that I had been caught up in the flash floods that hit Somerset that day. It was way worse than anything I saw on that news report though!


  1. EEEkk, how scary that must have been.. well done for soildering on Dons.. lovely photos of you all xx

  2. Hi Donna

    It sounds as if you have been having some fun (and scary times - that rainfall was pretty bad last week, even here in Oxfordshire!) Your stand looked lovely by the way. I understand what you mean about time - wish I knew where it went! It is super to be so busy but how the time flies!!

    Lovely to catch up!

    Clare xx

  3. Hi Donna

    So we both got caught in that freak weather. As you say, much scarier than the television reports made it sound.

    Glad you had a great time with Liz and the gang - she said you were going to meet up. What fun!

    Super to see you at Ilminster, and I'm thrilled with my purchases.

    Sue xx

  4. Anonymous7:21 AM GMT

    I would have been terrified!

  5. I'm SOOOOO glad you came out of the other end of that storm still in once piece, Darling!


  6. scarey!

    what a lovely long newsy update - sounds as though things are going well (apart from the scarey bits)

    love to you

  7. Hi donna, it was great to meet you and Liz, I hope you'll come again! Im sorry you had such a terrible journey back home...

    I will catch up with my blog hopefully this week, I just dont know where the time goes!

    Perhaps I'll see you at one of the textile fairs soon, your lovely pics have made me want to go to the next one for sure!

    Jen xx

  8. Golly Dons, that sounds terrifying!!! Am so glad you are all ok.

    I can't imagine why you'd want to go in that shop either (!) apart from it being honey to a bee, LOL!

    (Am starting your order today at last, found a nice custardy yellow wool, so I think we have a name already...)

  9. Your stall looks fab Dons. LOVE YOUR SHOES!!!!!


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