
Friday, June 06, 2008


Holy moly we've sold our house. Subject to contract of course but it looks as if I shall have to start house hunting at last. Wish me luck!


  1. Eek! Well done Donna, I'm sure you'll find a gorgeous house!

    Allison x

  2. I feel that I should say congratulations but I couldn't bear to leave such a beautiful house..
    Enjoy the hunt.. it is the most exciting part!


  3. Hi Donna, glad you liked the book, there are some great ideas, it's just find the time to make them, isn't it. Well done on selling your house, I guess it will be a wrench to leave but you can have some fun looking for a new place - best of luck!
    Lucy x

  4. Wow! Well done.

    I guess you must have mixed feelings about it. I know I would if I had a house a tiniest bit as nice as that one...

    Still, exciting though eh? :O)

    I'm looking forward to seeing the next one!

    Good luck.

  5. I think you will be sad to leave Dons, but I know that anywhere you move you will make gorgeous and special. xxxx

  6. Good luck Donna, I'm so pleased for you. Fingers crossed that you find something just as beautiful very quickly (i'm sure whatever you find will be lovely once you've finished with it!)

  7. Congratulations, darling.
    And, yes, I agree that you will make your next house equally as lovely as the one you are leaving.


  8. No wonder it sold- your place is gorgeous! :)

  9. Hi Donna - Congrats of the house sale - hope it all goes through smoothly - I enjoyed reading about your 8 year old's birthday - I have an 8 year old son too - Natalie x

  10. All fingers and toes crossed for you and looking forward to following the house-hunt journey.

    See you soon.
    Sue x

  11. Anonymous1:40 PM GMT

    What lucky buyers!

  12. At last! And in this bloody awful economic climate, well done! We absolutely went to pieces waiting to exchange contracts and were shell-shocked when it all went through. Even though we had to drop by £5000 from the offer we'd accepted, we were so glad just to finalise everthing.

    Good luck as you head towards completion. I hope it all goes smoothly. And happy house hunting. We're currently looking too and it's fun. Scary, but fun.

  13. best of luck sweetie.


  14. Congratulations and wishing you the very best of luck in your house hunt, may you find a house where all your dreams can come true!


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