
Friday, August 15, 2008

Sale Preview part 2

Just a few more things to share with you!

Bags of fabric scraps, always popular.

More bolts of fabric

Children's quilts

Shabby roses

Vintage French gingham bias trim

Vintage tins

and gorgeous 20's French fashion magazines

Thanks for the many emails I have had enquiring about the prices of things in the last post. I have been super busy for the past few days but will get back to you all soon.


  1. Hello Donna, I really wish I lived closer, I have seen so many very very tempting things here!! Love love love that tin and those bags of fabric scraps! If only I were Dr Who and had a tardis I'd be there in a shot! Good luck with it all

  2. You tease too much! I love the bags of fabric scraps and the French binding and the magazines and...........well all of it really!

  3. Anonymous1:46 PM GMT

    oooh, thoe quilts, that fabric, that trim!!! Its all too much for me!

  4. Terrific! I love the beautiful fabric, the old magazines from one of my fav eras and the charming vintage tin! Great stuff.

  5. Are these fabrics the same price?If so could you save me a couple of metres of the boats one and the tea one too please.

  6. Love it all Donna! Really looking forward to coming across.
    Sue xx

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog, it's great because I've now discoverd yours and your wonderful website full of gorgous things....What lovely pictures and all those beautiful fabrics.
    Jane. x

  8. Anonymous7:40 AM GMT

    (shouting across the ocean) - stop, stop, STOP! It's all too much for meeeeeee! x

  9. Sorry Donna what twit I am ! I was rushing to send everyone their award and did click on the wrong link..that will teach me to slow was tea time though!
    Carol xx

  10. Ok I will start again.....
    so many wonderful things in your sale preview part 2. I love the Shabby Rose fabric...and the Vintage Trim...can you send me a price on these please. Can you put this sale on your blog as well? that would be great.
    Carol xx

  11. Wow... So many beautiful goodies!
    Good L.U.C.K. WITH THE sale!
    I`m sure that you will do well!
    With LOVE and KISSES
    Debbie Moss

  12. I am just saying hello as its not polite to lurk! I came here from green Phoenix comments and I have enjoyed a good read of your blog. Thank you.I love your house style.

  13. (sobs pitifully) If I start walking now I might just make it down in time...

    Woeful in the Cotswolds.


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