
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sale Preview

I have started the great sort out for my sale. There seems to be so much stock!

Like this huge amount of vintage sewing baskets.

Vintage drawers and fabric boxes.

Boxes, buttons and drawers

Old wooden cotton reels.

Pretty vintage quilting fabrics.

Pretty bundles of vintage quilt pieces.

Bolts of fabrics.

And bags and bags of stuff!!!!!

And still my room is stuffed to the gills!!!

I know many of you are frustrated that you will not be able to attend as you are so far away so if you see anything here that you simply cannot live without just email me and let me know.


  1. Oh wow.
    I'm drooling over here.especially over those top two roses fabric.They are just gorgeous.Are you selling by the metre or bolt?
    I wish I could come I bet you'll have such a great time.

    P.S. I think we might be bidding against each other on ebay at the minute!

  2. Dear Donna,
    thanks for you very kind words of support on my blog and I'm very sorry for the loss of you wonderful Gran.
    We're comign to stay in the Wiltshire feather down farm at the end of August, is it near you? as I'd love to come along to the sale. If not can you tell me how much the gorgeous sage green and pale pink cotton reels are? and the first bundle of pink rose quilt peices? and are they like the beautiful cabbages and rose fabric, it looks very similar. I'd love to make something out of it. Maybe you could send me a photo of it all layed out? only if you have time sweetie.
    Many hugs.
    Ps. I'm popping you on my fav list x
    Catherine x

  3. Wow. This is fabulous and very satisfying for a fabric and vintage addict like myself! I've seen you featured in a few homes mags before and am thrilled to discover your blog.

    Best wishes

  4. I need one of those sewing box's to your shop now.
    You do have such wonderful stuff in your stuffed room.
    Carol c

  5. Ooooh, how fabulous! What a lot of lovely stuff you have, and I'm not a sewer! I love those wooden drawers.
    Enjoy your tabbouleh!

  6. The vintage quilt bundles are yummy!

  7. Oh my lore...the box of cotton reels is to die for...

  8. Hey Dons,

    Thanks for your invite. I am still deciding if I can come or not, and thank you so much for your very kind offer. I will email you shortly.

    Much love to you.


  9. Hi Donna

    Of course I need it all, but will have to be patient as I hope to come on the Friday as you know.

    I had that self-same red and green plastic woven hexagonal sewing box as a child!!! Long gone I'm afraid!

    Sue x

  10. Looks fab Donna, love your invite with the block of fabrics, have you checked out MOO cards, find them via Flicker, I have used them and they are brilliant, for business cards and little tags using your photos. Woops I sound like an advert. Hope the sale goes well. xx

  11. i have a thing about vintage sewing boxes... yours look lovely. wish i could manage to get away and pop down for the sale. i am sure it will be fantastic.
    Just had a catch up on your news and i am so happy that to hear of good things in your personal life too Donna.. you have had a hard year but also a very exciting one business wise. congratulations on all the press.
    sending lots of love
    ginny x

  12. OMG I'm having a fit of the vapours! Heavenly vintages.

  13. Yes, I can't come and I'd like all of it please - just bundle it up and bring it up here and I'll make a cuppa and a cake to reciprocate your kindness! okie dokie? Have a great day! t.xx


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