
Friday, December 12, 2008

Day 9

Still with me? Ok day 9 and we have all walls and the fireplace plastered. I love the way the fireplace looks now. We have been having the fire on in the evenings to help dry out the plaster ready for painting tomorrow. It looks really nice. Today was hard as we had no electricity for 4 hours this morning as the electricity company were doing maintenance work on overhead cables. This meant that Vortek could not do much and got a bit behind.

All hands are on deck tomorrow and we lose Vortek who is going back to Poland to see his family for Christmas. I shall miss him but I think his family need him more!


  1. you'll soon have that Christmas tree up and decorated!!!!

  2. Lookning good Donna. Can't wait to see it painted and all decorated for Christmas xx

  3. Anonymous5:18 PM GMT

    what's going on the floor? are you having new carpet put in?

    - saff

  4. So glad it's all gone (more or less) according to plan. So exciting ...

    Sue xx


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