
Sunday, January 11, 2009

January Sale

Just popping in briefly to say Hi. I have been innudated with work as I have a January sale on, this has meant lots of orders, which is wonderful, but it leaves me little time for anything else. Add to that another bout of flu! I have had flu on and off now for the best part of 6 weeks. I feel rough for a few days, lose my voice, feel better for a few days and then it gets bad again. I'm so bored with it now. I know I am not alone in feeling this way, there are some nasty viruses around and they seem to take forever to recover from. I am currently croaking my way round the fabric room parcelling up goodies to be sent off around the world!

I also wanted to tell you about an exciting project that I was involved in last year. I worked with a designer for Kurt Geiger shoes sourcing vintage 1950's floral and abstract fabrics for a range of shoes they were making. Well, these shoes are now available in the Kurt Geiger shops and they are beautiful! A real must for any vintage fabric or fashion lover I think. Aren't they delicious?

I know I have said it before but I LOVE MY JOB!


  1. Wow the shoes are fantastic - you must be really proud.

    Sorry to hear you are struggling with the flu - do you take echinacea - we swear by it in this house during the winter months

    It boosts your immune system to either help you stop catching it or making it much shorter if you do.

    Also I was reading in this months CL that elderflower cordial helps - apparently when they put elderflower in with a virus it inactivated it !!!

    I'm going to get some tomorrow


  2. So sorry you're still feeling poorly, but good to hear business is good! Those shoes are absolutely gorgeous - I just wouldn't be able to decide which pair to buy!
    Willow x

  3. Hi Dons, Hope you feel better soon. There's so much stuff going around at the moment - lots of hot drinks and sleep!

    All I can say about your job is WOW! It's so brilliant that your passion is your job! Those shoes are amazing. (I hope they paid you designer prices too for doing that for them!)

  4. Ooh I love the fabrics on the shoes, very nice! Hope you're feeling a lot better soon xxx

  5. Aaarrgghh, I feel a shoe splurge coming on. Sorry to hear you've been suffering with the dreaded lurgy. Here's hope it clears off for good soon.
    Hen x

  6. Hey Dons.

    You have flu too, you poor cow. It's awful isn't it. I still feel ill myself as well. As you say it comes and goes.

    I think they should have given you a free pair of shoes for your trouble myself.

    I m so proud of you for what you have achieved from those early days. I can remember buying stuff from you years ago when you first started and look at you now!!


    p.s. no, you never say the wrong thing. xxx

  7. Donna Hi,

    I love the way you drop that in, like it's no big deal!Congratulations, they are beautiful shoes.
    Hope you feel better soon

  8. Wow Donna. They are beautiful!!

    Get well soon...

  9. Oh my god, those shoes are gorgeous! Sorry to hear you have been so poorly Donna. Try the echinacea as it can only help. Good to see you back xx

  10. wonderful shoooooze!
    Get well soon.
    Lizzie x

  11. When I was looking round the shops in Heathrow's Terminal 5 recently, I saw some of the shoes using your fabric in the Kurt Geiger store there.
    They look even better in the flesh. They are absolutely delicious.
    I felt so proud of you.


  12. Anonymous2:50 PM GMT

    good job!

    hope you worked a free pair of shoes into the deal! :D

    saff x

  13. Anonymous6:55 PM GMT

    Well.... I could just eat those scrummy shoes... Yes I really could!
    Well done to a talented & very modest Donna.

    LOL Frances x

  14. oh oh shoe love....... beautiful............ hope your feeling better soon... eat well, sleep well and do what you love... As for the sale... i wish I had some money left!!!!

  15. Oh Donna, not poorly again ... Just you hurry up and get properly better so I can come and collect 'it'.

    Sue xx

  16. Anonymous10:36 PM GMT

    Oh poor you.
    There's some real evil bugs around.
    Get well soon.

    The shoes are lovely. I agree with the other comment. Where are your free sample shoes?

    you deserve them!

  17. Wow, they are gorgeous, well done you, thats really exciting, when I spot them in the shop that sells them in Cardiff I can say I know the lady who helped design them!!! Claire xx

  18. Hey Dons,

    I've given you an award. Pop to my blog and have a look.


  19. Fab shoes,I think I would be in the shop for days deciding on which to purchase! How fantastic to be part of that project..
    hope you fell better soon too x


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