
Sunday, January 18, 2009

New Drawers and an Award

I took delivery of a beautiful piece of furniture this week. I spotted a gorgeous 1930's oak haberdashery drawers whilst out trying to source a sideboard for the living room. I squealed when I saw it but Paul said 'you already have one' and promptly walked away, 'oh but it's so much nicer than my one', I wailed. I followed him but had to pop back for another quick look, and stroke! When I got home I remembered a friend had said that she wanted a glass fronted drawer unit like mine so I emailed her to tell her about it and said I would go back to the shop and find out details (measurements, trade price etc). Knowing how much I loved it she suggested that maybe I should buy the one in the shop and she should have mine. What a wonderful idea. I couldn't justify buying it before but if I was selling mine, well, there was no reason why not! So here it is, isn't she beautiful? I have to fill it up with all my fabrics from my old unit which is proving to be very time consuming as I am lining the drawers with Cath Kidston scented drawer liners then folding the fabric very carefully before putting them into colours. I am also weeding out fabrics to put into my scrap bags that I sell on my site.

My old cabinet is going to a very good home. I won't tell you where right now as I will let the new owner tell you all about it.

We have also started renovations on Alfie's bedroom. We bought him a high up bed from Ikea for Christmas but then realised that it wouldn't fit into his room wit the sink still in place. All our bedrooms have sinks in as this house was a B&B once upon a time. I hate them and they are not used so I was glad to see this one go (one down, six to go!). While we were at it we thought we might as well do up the whole room and because this is an old and crumbly house this is not as easy as just slapping some paint around, oh no! Electrics have been chased into the walls, all the floorboards have come up and soundproofing put underneath them as we have noticed that since our old lathe and plaster ceiling came down in the living room and plasterboard went up, we can hear so much more between the rooms. The skirting boards have been replaced and the lintel above the window has been fixed. It should be ready to paint this week. Jack, Jasmine's boyfriend, is doing this job for us. He is doing a carpentry apprenticeship but with the credit crunch work is thin on the ground for him.

Alfie wants a big boys theme for his room, he has outgrown Toy Story, which was his last theme. If he had complete control he would probably want Star Wars, Lord of the Rings or Pokemon but we have settled on a Rock and Roll bedroom with guitars and Union Jacks. Should last him a while. I shall post more photos when it is all finished.

I also took delivery of an award this week, my first ever in 5 years of blogging! So a big thank you to Woo for giving me the Marie Antoinette award, A real person, a real award.

I know I am supposed to follow a set of rules attached to this award but I am rubbish at
rules. I would award this to all of the blogs on my blogroll as I only add those that I think are real and lovely anyway.

Right I must go back to fabric folding and filling up those drawers. Bye for now x


  1. gosh - those drawers are amazing! I wouldn't have been able to walk past them either!!!

  2. Oh that is just wonderful, I can totally see why you had to have it! Have fun with the fabrics and well done on the award :)

    Mel xxx

  3. I'm so envious - those drawers are wonderful

    If I loved nearer Id come and help you sort the fabrics - I love that sort of task


  4. You are a much better person than I! I would have sulked until I had BOTH in my studio. Now I might sulk because I have neither ;) I can see why you like the first one better though.

  5. I would not have been able to resist! I'd love something like that for my fabrics!
    It'll be great to see your next renovation project in action!! ;-)

  6. For a fabric does'nt get much better than that!!!

    Saw this and thought of you.

  7. Donna what a fantastic find. Liked the idea of you going back to stroke it, you knew it would be yours eventually. Brave you with the room, it puts me off if I can't just splosh paint about and have it done NOW this minute. Oh and well done with the award - rules are made so you can make your own anyway.


  8. Lucky You!!! He gave in eventually then??!! I don't know why they just don't say YES in the start do you...they must know that we are gonna get our own way in the end!!!! x

  9. The drawers are lovely.... I would like some but no room :(

  10. I couldn't resist popping round to have a look at the drawers and they are even better in the flesh than in the photos.

    I can attest to the fact that Donna is not a rule follower - she tends to make up her own rules as she goes along - a great way to tackle life in my opinion.


  11. They are beautiful Donna. Such lovely furniture to put all that fabric into. Can't wait to see the room xx

  12. Hee hee Donna! Looking good - and I'm sure your old drawers will love their new home!!!!!

    Sue xx

  13. I am in love with those drawers. Totally gorgeous and lustworthy.

    Sounds like the bedroom is going to look fab.

  14. Very very lovely!

    You have such a beautiful home!xxx

  15. what a fantastic find you must be delighted, I would just love to look through those drawers at all that delicious fabric when you have finished filling them, if you pop over to Redwood when you have a minute you can take a look at what I have done with some of your fabrics!!!!

  16. Honestly Dons, showing off your drawers.......

  17. OMG Donna, those draws are just to die for, i love them.
    And wow the fire place in the bedroom is fabulous.
    Looking forward to seeing the new look, I'm sure he'll love for many, many years. It sounds soo cool.
    Well done on the award sweetie, it's well deserved.
    Big hugs,
    Catherine x

  18. Hi Donna,
    Congratulations on your award!

    My, your new drawers are beauties!
    And so useful - your gorgeous fabrics are going to look wonderful displayed inside them.
    Glad to hear that your old drawers are going to such a good home!

    Good luck with the decorating.
    (We have sinks in all of our bedrooms too, with our house also being an old B&B! - but we actually like ours and they are all used every day! ... but that's a lot of sinks to keep clean! )


  19. Oh my goodness! That chest is wonderful!! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today. Now, you will have me on the look out for a chest like that. How fantastic it will look filled with fabric!!

  20. so jelous, I have been after something like that for sooooo long, what a beauty. good to catch up with all your goings on....

  21. Just popped by to say hi!xx

  22. Well done on the award..................... and those drawers are stunning! You lucky thing!
    I've just been looking back at your blog and enjoying the renovation shots, and the shoe news! I'm so glad I've come to your blog Donna................

  23. Wow! Such an amazing find, it's gorgeous.

    Found your blog through my friend Keriann and have enjoyed reading it.


  24. Anonymous10:55 PM GMT

    Lovely drawers. I saw some on Ebay a couple of weeks ago, art deco style. Lovely, collection only from Columbia Road Flower Market (one of my fav haunts and not too far from home). Anyway, went for £800 in the end, needless to say I got out bid. :((

    Anyway...feeling a little star struck at the mo, saw your fabrics in 'Homes and Antiques' magazine! Wow!

    xx xx

  25. Well I had to see what your drawers were like when I read Sue's post about hers. Those are really lovely. Looks like your house is like ours at the mo. Because of building work in one room the whole of the rest of the house is upset and decorating does involve so much more than just painting.

  26. Gorgeous new drawers and they look SO good filled with your lovely fabrics. Your old drawers look good too, I just saw them on your friends blog. Brilliant way of doing things, you both ended up with exactly what you wanted.

    Sue xx


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