
Monday, February 23, 2009

Flea Market and Vintage Fashion Fair

When you have organised your stock room like I did the other week, what else is there to do but go shopping for more fabrics? After saying, only the other day, that I really need to have a break from buying, this Sunday I found myself driving firstly to Shepton Mallet Giant Flea Market and then on to Bath for the Vintage Fashion Fair.

It was a cold start but turned into a sunny and bright day and having no children for the day (after being blessed with their presence all week) was so nice. I really needed a little 'me' time doing what I love best. The flea market was great and I all but filled the boot of the car with textiles, haberdashery, quilts and a few vintage dresses.

On to Bath which is such a beautiful city and one that I haven't visited for years and years. Mum and I really enjoyed wandering round the city and it made me feel wistful for city life. We had lunch like adults, reading Sunday papers and relaxing before going to the Assembly Rooms for the Fashion Fair.

This venue is spectacular and the fair was not a let down!!! I have to say that it was the best vintage fashion fair I have been to in a long time. There was a huge amount of very good quality clothes there and I got therer just one hour before it closed so goodness knows what I missed! I can't wait for the next one. If vintage fashion is your thing I would really urge you to make the journey to Bath for this great event.

Lizzie was there with her wonderful selection and is always a face I am happy to see whether I am buying from her or not.

This lady's stall was one of my favourites there. She had such a wonderful mixture of things and the colours were such a draw. I wish Sue hadn't been so shy as she was as gorgeous and colourful as her stall. I only got to take the one photo before my battery ran out on my camera!

I was trying not to buy clothes as I don't deal in vintage clothing and would only have been buying for myself. I was pretty spent up by the time I arrived too but did manage to find some delicious textiles for the business.

Here are a few of my finds.

They are mostly unwashed and unironed so apologies for the scrumpled look of them but I wanted to show you before they disappeared into my room. The dresses are in the machine as I type this so I shall show you those later.

Click on photos to see a delicious close up!

Vintage Liberty silk fabric

1970's Liberty cotton

Vintage French fabrics

A beautiful Durham quilt from Sue

A load of mother of pearl buttons

A vintage French fabric box and loads of haberdashery bits

French ditsy florals

1950's floral curtains

Vintage floral fabrics

Vintage novelty fabrics

Bolts of retro fabrics

and one of my favourite finds was this wedding ring quilt made from feedsack fabrics. This is currently hanging on the line so apologies for the photo!


  1. Great finds..I love the Liberty fabric and I could rummage through haberdashery bits for ever!!;-)

  2. Oooohh Donna I'm jealous. What a fantastic day out and your finds are fab.

    Lisa x

  3. No,I didn't get any be honest I was a tad disappointed! There was a lot of cheap jewellery! I am not sure if the venue was the right one really.
    Hesta's stuff was lovely though.
    Sal ;-)

  4. Sounds like my idea of heaven. Love the habadashery box and wedding ring quilt. xxxx

  5. Hi Doona. Such gorgeous fabrics and buttons. Sounds like the perfect day out xx

  6. That looks wonderful! I love your buys, I am particularly envious of the buttons as I'm running through my stash so quickly and that white French fabric with the kind of garland type pattern is beautiful! Is it going on the website?I just put in another order from your site last night (trimmings and buttons - you are so reasonable!!!) and I'm sure I'll be back soon :)

    Mel xxx

  7. Hi Donna,
    Sounds like the perfect shopping day to me, love the fabrics the french ones are beautiful I wonder if they are strong enough for cushions!!!!! and the little ditsy one (love that word) ohh dear I feel more shopping going on!.
    Jan x

  8. Oh, I didn't know I was going to be in the corner of that first photo! It looked as though you were just taking a pic of Lizzie from where I was sitting (exhausted at the end of our lovely day).

    I didn't see the wedding ring quilt yesterday (last photo)- what a find.

    Can't wait to see the dresses.

    Thanks for a perfect day .......


  9. What a fantastic day you had!!! Wish I could have gone!!! I love Bath too, and combined with this, it would be a perfect day!!! : )
    Love that wedding ring quilt most of all!!! Will have to look at your website.

    Sharon xx

  10. Message from the dark side. I thought there was a similarity once I'd taken the photo too. Probably the angle that works best.

    Lisa x

  11. so good to see you & GOW yesterday.. what a lovely day you both had.... now, show those dresses please!
    Lizzie x

  12. What a great day out... lots of fantastic fabrics there.. :)

  13. Anonymous4:51 AM GMT

    mum - you look fab in that photo. i love the headband on you!

    - saff

  14. What a great day out, it makes me wish I'd visited a local vintage fashion fair on Sunday which was here but my daughter's lack of pennies made us dither about for too long ... I love all of your finds and Bath is the most perfect setting to find them in.

  15. No wool shops, but fantastic vintage fabric finds near you. We don't have that. Trying to make you feel better.

    Cushions really easy once you get into the counting. Just end up with a big dent in your finger after all that hookery.

  16. Hi Donna

    It was super to see you and your Mum on Sunday. I'm so glad Lizzie said I should show you the quilt!!! What fantastic finds - an exhausting day, but oh so productive! Well done.

    See you again soon. Still looking for that armoire for you!

    Sue xx

  17. Hi Donna,
    What a productive day - and I echo your sentiments re: the Bath fair - it is FABULOUS, isn't it? Shhh...don't tell too many people!
    I think I have the other half of some of those French fabrics that you bought! And those diddy coloured mop buttons on cards - (expensive) but too delicious to miss!

    Next time, make sure you call in for a cuppa,
    Niki x

  18. My word, so many things in one day!Love the vintage novelty fabrics. Looks well worth the trip. Can't imagine how you carried all this!

  19. Very nice shopping trip! I must admit, I've already raided your shop today, so when I saw this post, I didn't panic, thinking I'd missed some gems!
    I've searched on the web, and I have to tell you Donna, yours is the best shop, with the best fabrics..........................

  20. I'm back to respond to dear Ragged Roses, even though this is not my blog.

    A lack of pennies shouldn't hold you back from visiting a vintage fair - just looking at, and sometimes stroking, the items on display can be enough to give a lift - it kind of 'feeds the soul' - ooh - hark at me!
    I just love all of this stuff ....


  21. I´m delighted !!! So many beautiful, fabulous fabrics , thank you for sharing!!!!


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