
Thursday, March 05, 2009

Snow in March

Woke up this morning to more of this............

There was no snow under the cedar tree though!

and the poor daffodils are very confused!

I thought it was Spring now?!


  1. Those poor daffs, is must be very confusing for them.
    Fab seeing somemore snow though, it always turns me into a big kid lol
    How about you sweetie?

    I bet it's all gone now, ours melted within a couple of days :(

    Keep warm honey.

    Catherine x

  2. We had snow yesterday but it's all gone now. You're not safe snow wise until May is out I'd say. That said my Mother says it snowed at my baptism in July 1983!

  3. Yet here in the south of the county, we had nothing!!
    Lovely photos ;-)

  4. We had a little bit but I went to Crediton & there was loads!! :)

  5. Waking up to a view like that must be wonderful.
    Just looking at your sidebar images...gorgeous!
    Carol x

  6. Hopefully that's the end of the snow. Lovely at the right time, but it's now time for spring, sunshine and warmer weather!

    Defeathering is not for the faint-hearted, and you certainly need to be in the right frame of mind to tackle the job!!

    Looking forward to Monday!

    Sue xx

  7. Hi Donna,
    Your garden looks very pretty in the snow, but surely its time for Spring now...I think your daffs would agree to that.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend,
    Niki x

  8. Hi Donna
    It was lovely meeting you a couple of weeks agso at the Shepton Mallet Flea Market and later at the Ashley Hall Fair in Bath. You had a successful day! As you can see, I have recently started up a new blog. Love your selection of fabrics on your website!
    Isabelle x

  9. Hi Donna, the snow does look so pretty as does your home but I am not so keen once it gets to March, I am thinking spring now not snowy daffs!!
    Hope you are busy selling your lovely fabrics I will be needing more in a few weeks time, I love choosing it then waiting for that little parcel full of 'gorgeousness'to arrive.
    Jan x

  10. Anonymous12:38 PM GMT

    I'm not envying you that snow. Snow in my world must be strictly in the winter only and it's spring now isn't it?

    The new Country Living magazine plopped through my letterbox today and I see that some of your fabric is featured on a lovely lovely Easter feature and also Mandy from Belle and Boo was featured on another page. Great to see people I like being featured!


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