
Friday, March 13, 2009

Elbow, Country Living and other important stuff!

What a busy time I have had recently (nothing new there). On Wednesday I went to Plymouth with my Mum and daughter to have a day out shopping ending with us seeing Elbow in concert. We had a great day but the highlight was seeing my favourite band live again. As regular readers know I am a bit of an Elbow fanatic and have a huge crush on Guy Garvey the lead singer with the beautiful voice. Elbow fans must be the nicest fans in the world. We were right down near the front, a few rows back, and there was absolutely no pushing or shoving at all. You could have had a cup of tea without spilling a drop. Mum, who is quite tiny, kept on having people in front of her asking if she could see, when she said no, they made her go in front until she was right down the front, grinning back at us!!! I have got her hooked now and at last she can see what all the fuss has been about. She loved it as did my daughter. Sadly I didn't get as close as last time

but it was good enough for me!

My fabrics have been featured in the April 2009 edition of Country Living, out now. I had forgotten all about sending them fabrics last November and it was only when Claire told me she had spotted my mention that I remembered. Magazines work so far in advance.

They used some pretty Spring floral fabrics in their Easter Inspiration feature as well as using the spotty tissue paper and baker's twine I always use to wrap our parcels in, although they forgot to mention that! It's a lovely feature and makes me excited about the impending arrival of Spring.

I will be having a stall at the Talent for Textiles sale at The Meeting House in Ilminster, Somerset on April 1st. This is a wonderful event with some gorgeous stalls selling vintage and antique textiles, Lizzie will be there too. There is also the wonderful Gallery Cafe for lunch or refreshments. Let me know if you would like to come and I can send you an invitation.

I am also happy to announce that my 3rd Open House Sale will be held on Thursday 30th April, Friday 1st May and Saturday 2nd May. If you would like an invitation, please let me know and I will pop one in the post to you. It will be Bank Holiday weekend so you could bring your family for a break in North Devon and visit me at the same time. Hope to see some of you then.


  1. How I wish I could come tro your house sale.
    Featured in CL, brilliant. Like me you forget things too, things we ought not to gorget either!
    The feature looks wonderful, I shall look forward to April issue/
    Carol x

  2. ....I knew I recognised that spotty tissue paper, I thought when glancing through my copy quickly, Country Living has a bit of class just like Donna, they are using the same spotty tissue. I havent' had time to read the mag yet, have just read your post and it is your paper, how exciting I must go and read the article. What an interesting job you do have, I would love to make the Ilminster fair...must see what I can work out...

  3. Ooh Donna, I can't wait to get my copy, that article looks delicious!

    Allison x

  4. Anonymous9:19 AM GMT

    I would love to have an invite to your open house sale in april please. The saturday would be great for me as i live in exeter and can pop over for the day. Do i also need an invite for the talent for textiles? or can i just turn up? can't wait to see all your stuff, Martha

  5. Anonymous9:21 AM GMT

    forgot to leave my blog name, martha

  6. Hi Donna. Saw the CL feature and it is gorgeous. I thought it was a lovely edition this month, full of Spring...wayhay! By the way, you are so darned photogenic blast you! Have a good weekend xx

  7. Anonymous5:06 PM GMT

    Hiya Donna,
    Not that I need an excuse to visit lovely North Devon... but would love an invite for the Monday in May. I will rush out and buy this months CL magazine & have a lovely Spring inspired read..
    Take care Frances

  8. Donna
    Firstly .... you got to see Guy Gorgeous' Garvey again, as you say, not so up close and personal this time but hey, a little distance is better than nothing!
    Congratulations on the C L article, so very, very beautiful.
    I rcd an invite to A Talent for Textiles, so with a bit of luck I shall be able to come and say 'hello'.

  9. Well done on the CL spread. What a thrill.

    If I lived closer I would love to pop in.


  10. Hi Donna, enjoyed reading your post. Sounds like you had a fantastic time at the concert!
    Congrats on your fabrics being featured in CL magazine, I have a copy of it. Would love to attend one of your open days. Not sure if I can go yet as one of my nieces might have her confirmation over that weekend (She lives on IOW) Waiting to hear back from my sister.. Will certainly try and make to Ilminster though.
    Isabelle x

  11. Hi Donna, well done for the spread in Cl - haven't read my copy yet it looks lovely though. Yes please for an invite for your house sale and the Ilminster fair too. Do you still have my address? Let me know. Best wishes Kathy

  12. The latest issue of Country Living is gorgeous!

    I would love to try and come to the Ilminster fair and your house sale, so yes please for invites. I have bought via your website so you may already have my address details?

    Need a fabric fix!

  13. Ooooo, Country fabulous! I will certainly be popping a copy in the supermarket trolley tonight! I'll definitely be coming to your house sale (it's always a highlight on my calendar), with Nate and my parents...we thought we have a weekend in Devon. Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog. I saw Elbow on Comic Relief the other night and thought of you!

    Viva vintage! xxx

  14. Gorgeous Country Living feature! Well done!
    Very jealous that you had seen Elbow.. again!
    Looking forward to Ilminster, hope we are near each other. Lizzie x

  15. Anonymous8:18 AM GMT

    Donna, I loved that spread in the latest CL mag and am SUPER pleased to now know that they are your fabrics featured. Ahhhhh, you deserve all the press in the world!

    Cherry x

  16. Anonymous5:37 PM GMT

    I saw your things in Country Living! Fab!
    It's such a shame I live so far from you, I would love to be able to go to your open house. Sigh.

  17. Congratulations Donna - looks like a great article...what with Sue last month and now you this month...CL really know where to find the best fabrics! ;-))

    Hope to see you at Illminster,
    Niki xx

  18. Anonymous8:22 PM GMT

    Would love to come to the Ilminster day. I live fairly close and it sounds really interesting.

  19. OMG...I want to come! Sad to say, I am in Virginia,USA. I love fabric, sometimes I sit in my studio and just run my hands over this glorious stuff. I wish you much luck with your open house. Glad to have found your site.
    your friend,

  20. I saw you too in country living - I would love to visit your shop !

    Sam xxx


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