
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Spring Sale Preview part 2

A picture heavy post just to bring you some more images of the sale as I set it up. I have lots more to do first thing in the morning before I open the doors. Wish me luck!

Spring Sale Preview

As you can imagine it's a madhouse here at the moment. My 3 day sale starts tomorrow. Here's a preview of just a few things that will be on sale.

There is loads more to come and I will upload photos if I get a chance.

The two cupboards were bought from Dairy House and the lovely Sue delivered them to my house. They look great with my quilts and fabrics in them.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Good Life

Take a quantity of asparagus freshly cut from the garden

add some eggs collected from the chicken house

and some freshly harvested mint from the herb garden

and you have a delicious supper!

Isn't it though?

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

Happy Hot Cross Bun Day everyone. I thought I would pop in and share some images of our Easter so far.

A preschool Easter bonnet parade. I decided against the smock in the end in case the other parents didn't quite 'get it'! We are saving it for Easter Day and the treasure hunt in the garden.

Our Easter tree, an annual event, decorated with eggs, bunnies and chicks.

Easter eggs

Sometimes I have to let go of the control freak in me and let Lizzy do her own decorating, even if it means that all the eggs go on one branch........................

because it makes her so happy!

Easter bunnies

and my first foray into home made hot cross buns. Delicious but I must remember to pipe the crosses on AFTER proving the dough or else they end up on the tea towel. We had hot crossless buns!

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Talent for Textiles

The Talent for Textiles fair yesterday was a great success. It is always a lovely fair to both sell at and to attend as a buyer. The atmosphere is always so nice with a great mixture of people. The venue is gorgeous too. Lizzy was there with her wonderful selection of fabrics, clothes and delicious vintage finds. I always spend a good bit of my takings with Lizzy, even before I have started selling!! It was great to see so many people that I knew. There were a few bloggers there including Niki, Sue and Isabelle and many of my customers came who I have never met before, dealing with them only online previously, so I was happy to put a face to a name with so many.

One of my customers was a lovely old lady in her eighties who told me that she had written many books about needlework in the past. She was a great font of knowledge and was absolutely adorable.

I also got to meet 2 old school friends which was such a treat. One of them I was expecting to see as we chat on Facebook but the other was a complete surprise to me. We screamed with delight and confirmed that neither of us had changed in the 30 years since we had seen each other! She has just opened a shop in Ilchester called Haven, selling vintage and handmade items with vintage fabrics. If you are in the area pop in and say hi to Jo.

I managed to get rid of lots of textiles but came home with a few goodies too.

A pretty quilt, Union Jack and vintage French floral bias trims

some gorgeous floral fabrics

1950's stars, silk spots and jazzy notes fabrics

Beautiful duck egg floral curtains, linen buttons, broderie anglais trim and two sweet handerchiefs

This wonderful box from Bon Ton cleaners of Eltham, where my Grandparents hailed from. In fact my Mum remembers them well. My Grandfather was a barber and all his towels and bibs went to Bon Ton's to be cleaned.

and................. my favourite item was this vintage French hand embroidered smock with sweet little chicks and eggs. This is for Lizzy to wear tomorrow at preschool along with her Easter bonnet that we have decorated for her Easter bonnet parade. Isn't it adorable?

Thank you for all your lovely get well wishes for Lizzy last week, they worked and she is now back to her naughty, lovely self!

Sadly I came home from the fair to find a crying Alfie sat on the sofa. He had been sick just before I got home and is now in the same position that his sister was in last week. It's a familiar sight round here! That crocheted blanket of mine is getting some good use that's for sure.