
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Spring Sale Preview part 2

A picture heavy post just to bring you some more images of the sale as I set it up. I have lots more to do first thing in the morning before I open the doors. Wish me luck!


  1. Looks wonderful Donna, wish I could afford to visit, but money's tight at the moment. Good luck with the sale!

  2. lots of lovely stuff, especially the fabric, I wish I lived nearby.
    Josie x

  3. That looks absolutely heavenly !

  4. it looks fab.. hope you have a good day..wish i lived near i would have popped in!!!!

  5. Anonymous11:04 AM GMT

    Good luck with your sale xxxx

  6. Oooo, I'm so excited! Please don't sell everything before I get there on Saturday (tee hee!) Can't wait to catch up! xxx

  7. Ohhh Donna I do wish I could make your sale it All looks so tempting, I hope it goes really well and that you have fun selling loads.
    Jan xx

  8. It was so very lovely to see you today Donna. Your sale was utterly wonderous and my purchases made me feel much better. Thank you.
    Laura xxx

  9. Donna,
    I have just noticed these last two blogs.
    How on EARTH have you managed to find the time to do them, Sweetie?
    You really are amazing.......
    BTW - your sale is such fun, I love it. (especially the fab cakes!)

  10. Read Laura's post about her purchases and am very jealous. Will have to come for a visit once we sort out a trip to see them. Gosh, where would I start though? x

  11. Hello Donna it was lovely to meet on saturday. The whole day was a real treat. I just love my dress and am mustering up the courage to make another one for myself. Thanks for all your work and effort,Martha

  12. sorry forgot to leave my detail's


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