
Monday, May 04, 2009

Vintage Bling

Well my Open House Sale is over. Here I am with my lovely helper and daughter Jasmine.

It was a rip roaring success and I would like to thank everyone who came to it and made it such a great event. It was wonderful to see people coming together and making new contacts. My kitchen was a hubbub of ideas and creativity as everyone shared their creative knowledge. It was a great treat for me to be part of this. Saturday was a very sociable day and the house was full all day long. I got to meet a few new bloggers like Laura and Martha and some more familiar faces such as Sue and Katie came along to support me as well. I sold loads and am now trying desperately to catch up with restocking the website as I also had a flurry of orders. This is in part due to the article I am featured in in Sew Hip. It's a great article, well written and beautifully illustrated with pictures of my fabrics. I was delighted with it.

After the sale was over and I had packed it all away there was only one thing to do. Go shopping for more! Actually I very rarely find any textiles at local bootsales and Sunday was no exception. However I did come across one stall that had what I thought was buttons on. When I got closer I realised that they were in fact earrings, clip on earrings from the 1950's. The lady had trays of them with hundreds of pairs on display. I started looking at them and when I found out the price I picked out lots of pairs. She then got out several large ice cream cartons full of cash bags, you know the ones you get in banks with change in, full of necklaces. They were the same price so I started selecting a few of those too. When I had finished looking she then told me she had another box full of bracelets. These wonderful pieces were once her mother's and she was now selling them as her mother had dementia and had just gone into a home. She was allowed 12 pieces in her room but her daughter was sure that she wasn't even aware she had those, so sad. She must have been a well turned out lady, beautifully coordinated. Here is what I bought:

Aren't they beautiful? And the price? 20p per item. Yes, that is all! I am going to treasure these bits. My girls are going to enjoy them too. What a great find don't you think?


  1. Donna! I truly am speechless! You scored BIG time there!! Well done!

    I'm so glad to hear that your sale was such a success...sad to have missed it :(
    But then I do find now-a-days that a lot of my finances are tied up in all of my vintage fabrics, waiting to be released when I can find the time to handmake and sell...

    Hope you've had a relaxing BH,
    Love Niki x

  2. Oh Donna, what a haul! But so sad, always makes me feel a bit teary hearing stuff like this. I'm so glad that your sale was such a success. I really enjoyed my day AND I have noticed that my eiderdown is in the new Kew clothes catalogue, in the back of a morris minor! Plus I knew you would be the girl to ask about carboots. When? where? how? I have severe withdrawal symptoms and am feeling a little cut off here in North Devon. I need my next fix, please help.x

  3. Hi Donna

    The article looks interesting although unreadable of course!!

    What a fantastic carboot find. You'll be looking out for her again I'm sure. Amazing!

    So glad your sale was so successful. We thoroughly enjoyed it, as you know. When's the next one?!!!!

    Sue xx

  4. It was great to see you on Saturday! Another great sale! I'm just about to out some photos on my blog from the day (and one of me in my new fabulous '50s dress!) I am green with envy about your car boot finds!! How fantastic! xxx

  5. How beautiful and how sad too. At least they have gone to a home that will love them. Glad the sale went well Donna x

  6. wow they're fantastic but a very sad story. I bet she'll be glad they've gone to a good home.
    Congratulations on the article, I would've loved to come to the sale :)

  7. Sounds like you all had a great time. Love the picture of you both at the beginning. Can see you dripping in some of those jewels. Good they're going to be appreciated again.

    Lisa x

  8. Sounds like you had a great time. xxx

  9. I just keep thinking about that Cath Kidston dress i fell for. I will have to beg the hubby for an early birthday gift. Lovin the jewelry you will all be looking so glam.

  10. Your finds are so amazing! And with such a teary story attached... I always feel that at least these things have gone to a good home now. But 20p each? Wow!

  11. What a lot of precious treasures you got! Made more special because of who had pre-owned them I would think - very sad. Particularly liked the necklaces.
    Looking forward to seeing you again soon.

  12. Oh la la! When am I going to get to go shopping with you? I hate shopping but I would LOVE bargains like those! Maybe you could have a good influence on me, lol!

  13. yummy yummy yummy! Gorgeous jewels!!
    So sorry not to have made it to your sale this time.
    Lizzie x

  14. Oh goodness, such incredible treasures, I confess to feeling rather green with envy.

  15. Hi, Thanks for following my blog. I will be doing likewise. Just love the fabrics and jewellery you've bought.
    I have a hoard of fabrics which will, one day make it into the shop ... I just have to overcome my deep loathing of ironing! in our house we do a lot of tumble drying and smoothing whilst warm (Not so effective for the older stuff I know:)

  16. I think that you are making this up! as blog shock tactics. I'm only joking of course due to my insane jealousy.

    I will have some vintage fabric questions for you soon, I hope that you may be able to help.

    Thanks and I love your blog!(except when you make things up) this envy consumes you after a while.

  17. Blimey. I never seem to have any luck at Boot Fairs. I am so glad you had a great Open Day(s). I was sorry not to be able to come but I hope I will be able to come to the next one.


  18. Anonymous11:53 AM GMT

    Hi there, I am hosting a book swap over on my blog. It is a permanent feature, which will always be on my blog, it is not a one off, like the rose theme swap I'm hosting. I have listed a load of my books which I am willing to swap, take a look, there may be some you fancy. If you would like to list books which you no longer want, and are willing to swap, just contact me at, or leave a comment on my blog, with your name, the name of your blog and the books you wish to swap, and I will type them up and post them on the swap page, so the more and more people who participate, the wider the range of books there will be to choose from, and remember, it will always be there on my blog.
    Take Care
    Love Melanie xxx

  19. That was a great find but sad about the circumstances.

  20. Wow what wonderful bargains. I bet that lady would be pleased to know they are going to be treasured.

    Love your dress in the picture- so pretty. You and Jasmine make a stunning pair.

    glad the Sale was such a success, just sad not to be there.

  21. Hello Donna

    Looks like I missed out on a fantastic weekend in Devon. I really must make sure that I am free for your next event. I am glad that it was successful for you. I love what you and your daughter are wearing! You did really well on the jewellery front!!! Lucky girl.
    Take care
    Isabelle x

  22. Truly beautiful things!
    Dementia is a wickedly cruel thing. What's so nice is that they have gone to someone who will not only appreciate them, but will share them with the next generation too. t.x


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