
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Fabric Scraps

One of the products I sell are fabric goodie bags. Bags stuffed full of beautiful vintage fabric scraps suitable for patchwork, quilting, applique and other small textile projects. A customer of mine, Jayne Ward, makes the most beautiful textile pictures. She said that when the scrap bag arrived it was like Christmas and Birthday rolled into one.

When she sent me photos of some of her pictures I was blown away by them and I suggested a swap, a supply of fabric scraps for a piece of her wonderful artwork. Luckily for me Jayne said 'yes' and, after receiving the fabric scraps she made the following pieces.

(Click on photos to enlarge and see them in all their loveliness)

I was told to choose one and I am now the proud owner of the last one, 'Blue jugs', which is now at the framers and there is a space reserved on my kitchen wall for it. It is even more beautiful in the flesh and I couldn't stop gazing at it. I am one lucky girl!

If any of you would like a piece of work by Jayne, please contact me for her email address as she doesn't have a website at present.


  1. Hi Donna

    I guessed right. I thought it would be the bottom one!!!! Absolutely gorgeous. Might just have to think about one of those. Would make a lovely Christmas present for Han.

    Sue xx

  2. She is very talented indeed - all of them are so beautiful.

  3. The blue one is my favourite too. So lovely and very inspiring.

  4. those are really scrummy, love the top one! Lizzie x

  5. What a clever lady! I like the middle one best, but they're all gorgeous!

  6. They are absolutely heavenly - what a good idea to swap!

    Pomona x

  7. They're all fabulous! Jayne is indeed very talented. Katie x

  8. Well she needs a website! They are utterly gorgeous, your found fabrics and her art = marriage made in textile Heaven!

  9. Anonymous2:57 PM GMT

    These really are quite lovely.

  10. Anonymous5:56 PM GMT

    beautiful! i would love to own one - i need to find out more, donna. i'll drop you a line xxx

    - saffron

  11. Utterly stunning, does she have a website?

  12. My goodness, what a clever lady she is. I wouldn't mind getting in touch with her myself ...

  13. Hi Donna, beautiful pictures how talented she is.

    I see you are having another sale I am going to try to make this one, a date for my diary.
    PS Love your hair

  14. Tell her to get a website! They are lovely pictures. You will be posting a shot of the finished and framed in place, won't you?

  15. These are absolutely stunning, Donna.

    I have seen the one that you chose and can confirm that it is indeed, even better 'in the flesh'.

    Isn't it lovely when you come across a talent like this?


  16. They are truly wonderful. Are they drawn or are they stitched? Very original. Well done Jayne.

  17. The applique embroideries are absolutely beautiful - Jayne is so talented!


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