
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Vintage Finds

Great vintage finds this week. They will be at my Open House sale in October or will find their way on to my stall at the Vintage and Handmade Fair.

2 vintage doll's prams. 1940's and 1960's.

Vintage yacht (I cannot resist these!)

A vintage Stanley (he might have to stay with me!)

A vintage toddler toy

The sweetest little jigsaw puzzle

A Mary Quant scarf

A fabric and raffia cottage style tea cosy

and a lovely wooden ironing board.


  1. Hi Donna,
    i've brought fabric from you over the internet but didnt realise you had a blog! I love the vintage finds I wouldn't be able to part with the prams or Stanley though!! fliss xx

  2. Why do I never find goodies like those around here? Our Boot sales have really gone to a bag of worms lately!!!! Lizzie x

  3. Never thought I would ever look forward to the month of November but yes, I do, can't wait.

  4. Hello!
    Some lovely vintage cute!

  5. grumpyoldwoman8:55 AM GMT

    Those pics make my mouth water!


  6. Anonymous9:58 AM GMT

    I'd definitely have to keep the Stanley Dog, he's so lovely. I really like the Mary Quant scarf the colours work really well. I can imagine people charging through the doors at your Open House sale.

  7. Oh so many lovely things to make the heart beat faster.. Wish we could come along to your Open House Sale.. will talk to my chauffeur and maybe I can persuade him..

    Thanks for your lovely comment Donna.. you are so kind.

    Michele x

  8. What brilliant finds! The Mary Quant scarf is my favourite. Can't wait 'til your next sale! Katie x

  9. My sister and I had a full-size pram like that when we were small - and I was able to use it again for my children. They made things well in those days! And that jigsaw seems a bit familiar ...

    Pomona x

  10. again! Just wanted to let you know that I posted something to you today (hope it reaches you soon!) It's an invite to something (and I'll say no more...don't want to ruin the niceness of getting post!)

    I'm also working on my article for Sew Hop at the moment featuring your wonderful Art Deco fabrics...will let you know when it'll be published (have asked that a copy be sent to you) Katie x

  11. I love the thatched teacosy ! But since when is my ironing board vintage , or am I slowly becoming vintage myself ?!

  12. What a lovely blog, so glad I found it. I hope to visit one of your open house events some time I love your vintage finds.

  13. Oooohh those prams are adorable. Maybe I will manage to make it up in October x

  14. such a good haul! I'm jealous x

  15. Oh I've been after a vintage wooden ironing board for years! I allowed myself to be persuaded to have a moden one when I got married and have regretted it ever since.


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