
Friday, August 21, 2009

Home Improvements

My bathroom is one of my favourite rooms. I recently added a small bookshelf, (as certain members like to relax with a book whilst on the throne!), which I bought for £5 at a bootsale and painted with Cath Kidston's furniture paint in the shade 'Bunny's Ear'. I adore this shade, it's a soft bluey grey. Once I put it in the room I sat and looked at the other pine furniture in the room and thought how lovely they would look in Bunny's Ear. So yesterday I spent the day painting.

This is the result...

Fresher and more coastal I think.

A quick request, I am thinking of putting a panel of Cath Kidston's Boats wallpaper on the door of the toiletries cupboard but do not want to buy a whole roll. Has anyone got any spare that they could sell me a metre of?

Whilst we are in my bathroom let me show you my Janet Bolton picture and my two Janet Bolton-inspired pictures in situ.

.......and this lovely picture, which was actually 3 cards, made by this clever lady that I bought in Port Isaac on holiday and had framed.

Whilst all that was going on I was waiting for the arrival of my new drawers, yes more! In fact it was because of the imminent arrival of my haberdashery drawers that the painted started as I had to make room for this huge piece of furniture. This meant shifting things around and the whole house exploded into chaos!

Anyway, back to the drawers, they arrived this morning, very dusty, cobwebby and with remnants of old sellotape on the glass fronted drawers.

I was contacted by the seller of these drawers through my website asking if I would be interested in buying them. They had been in storage for many years. Well you can imagine my answer!

I set to work cleaning them up. Polishing and cleaning all 32 of the glass fronts. It has taken me the best part of today and I am only half way through.

I have lined each drawer with vintage wallpaper before filling them with fabric. A time consuming but very satisfying job!

Here they are part way through. I have put all the fabric boxes and drawers on top ready for my Open House in October.

and moved the Sylko cotton reel drawers to the top of the other bank of drawers.

I'm getting there, slowly but surely, but having just bought 4 more pots of Bunny's Ear paint I fear that it is not the end of my furniture painting!


  1. I think those drawers are the most wonderful piece of furniture that I have ever seen! You are so lucky to have been able to acquire such an amazing piece!

    Pomona x

  2. Hello!

    What a beautiful bathroom....looks so relaxing and pretty1

    Have a super weekend!x

  3. I guess you probably know this Donna but cellulose thinners make fast work of old cellotape and glue etc.
    Lovely bathroom – before and after…..

  4. Fabulous ! where did you get the paint ..i have bought quite a lot from Craig and Rose but dont see bunnys ears it on the website

  5. Hi, I think I have a bit of the wallpaper left on a roll, but as /ive moved house just, Ill have to have a delve for it, I could bring it to the shepton flea! Ill keep you posted,. Ps need alot of inspiration for mybathroom, it has paintings of the prevoius family papered all over the walls! yours looks gorgeous! lol Maxine

  6. Furniture being bunnied looks marvellous. I stare at anything brown and think that needs paint or a cloth chucked over it.

    What an exciting day cleaning and sorting your new drawers too Donna.

    Thanks for your comments on T and I's new thing.

    Have a great weekend.
    Lisa x

  7. your bathroom is gorgeous, our cottage is so tiny, we are just doing the bathroom now but it is such a small space but i think i could just squeeze in a bit of cath k paint! he he!! I've put an award on my blog for you as I really love your blog, i hope thats ok! fliss xx

  8. Hi Donna, I'm tres jealous of those drawers!

    I have some Sailboats wallpaper if you can't find any locally, let me know!

    Allison x

  9. Wow Donna you have been busy! Well done it all looks fantastic. Can't wait to see you and it in the flesh next week. x

  10. Your bathroom is beautiful - and so big! You could have a party in there. I love your bath. And those drawers are amazing.
    Thanks for the mention by the way!

  11. Hello Donna
    Your bathroom is beautiful ! Doesn't the mirror work well in opening the space? So airy and light and spacious - I dream of having a spacious bathroom one day, as ours is probably as small as it is possible to be and still have room to turn around !
    Happy Weekend
    Denise x

  12. Anonymous8:35 AM GMT

    Lovely bathroom, and I love the drawers for you fabric...I could do with something similar on a slightly smaller scale for my stash. Can't help out with boats wallpaper, but do have a small piece of fabric I think. Lovely blog too -it's my first visit :)

  13. Now, you can just hear my happy sighs as I look at your new fabric cabinet...does this mean you can actually get into your materials room now? :) I think you deserve a special award for services to textile history (and if more men were interested in textiles, there probably would be one).

  14. Your bathroom is everything I dream of. Love it. Utterly gorgeous.

  15. The bathroom looks just beautiful Donna. Those shelves are a brill find..... I am very jealous of course!
    Lizzie xx

    PS thanks for your comments on the blog, I do have a few bits for you so just let me know if you are coming to Le Flea next weekend....

  16. Anonymous4:41 PM GMT

    WOW - completely successful, what more can I say.

  17. what a stunning bathroom & fabulous cabinet!

  18. Love the bathroom. Especially the bath. The cabinet is the business. I just bought what was left of the saddest broken down habby cabinet you ever saw. I've cleaned the open-fronted tray type draws and the rest of the cabinet is arriving tomorrow. I don't even know if it will fit inside the door. I can't remember how big it is...the auction just passed in a daze. It appears to have been stripped. I might even paint it. Perhaps bunny's ear. Thanks for your comment. We could have a mini swap meet at the Bath n West flea if you are going.

  19. I've always loved your bathroom! Love the new 'bunny ears' renovation (what a great name for a paint colour!) Fabulous vintage drawers/cabinet...I look forward to coming to see them at your next sale. Mr Treasure and I will be there with bells on! Katie x

  20. You bathroom is gorgeous and I 'love' those draws.

    Have a lovely week,

    Nina x

    ps. I have just stumbled across you via Mrs Bobo Bun and wanted to say 'hello' Nxx

  21. Love the bathroom. I grew up in a home with a bath like that.

  22. Donna,
    Your bathroom looks like it's just jumped right out of Country living mag honey, it's beautiful andthose draws full of vintage fabrics, wow! you're a lucky bunny.
    i was so sad to get an email from Miss CK's website telling that they no longer do paints boo hoo! So if you know of anywhere that sells it please let me know sweetie, thanks x its such a lovely colour.
    Can't wait to see you at the Vintage & handmade fair, i think I've sweet talked Ben into bringing along for an early birthday present lol
    Speak soon lovely lady.
    Catherine x

  23. Love your bathroom. Can I have a little soak if I can make the open house - could spend a good while in there - looks so gorgeous and relaxing. Very at home too with my sisters boats on the wall! x

  24. Donna this set of drawers is lovely but please don't paint it! The real wood looks delightful just as it is.

  25. Looks fantastic! I love the tub.

  26. The bathroom is such a lovely room. I love the large mirror!


  27. Love your blog and your website! Just visited you for the first time from Niki, Nostalgia at Stone House. Your drawers are divine! Look forward to visiting you again soon. Suzy ;)

  28. What a fantastic find, my village post office had a set of drawers like these. Unfortunately I was too late when I found out they had shut for a refit they had already thrown the drawers in a skip in pieces. All your fabrics look great in the old fashion drawers. Cavania :)


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