
Friday, September 04, 2009

Vintage Finds

There was a flea market that I wanted to go to this weekend but having no childcare I had to stay local for my vintage foraging.  Just as well really as I found some wonderful bits.

One of my favourite finds was an old leather suitcase, complete with travel stickers, containing 2 old handmade cushions. The fabric is a wonderful 1950's design by Marion Mahler.  More surprisingly this item was found in the crusher at the recycling centre and was saved for me by a lovely friend who works there. He knows that I like old fabric and was sure this was something that would be of interest to me, he was right.  Can you imagine such treasure being crushed?!  It makes me wonder how many beautiful old textiles get shredded or crushed, in fact I can't bear to think of it! 

I bought the old embroidered cushions from a couple who were clearing out their uncle's house and on speaking further to them they invited me to go round and look at some more textiles they had.  I ended up buying several old leather suitcases, one tiny one, suitable for a teddy, a wonderful array of old union jacks and some cotton reels. 

I seem to be attracting a lot of old toys and books as well, just right for the vintage fairs that are coming up.   I adore the old building blocks.   I bought another old doll's pram, bigger than the last two, which I have hidden away in the garage, so no photo, sorry. I also found some lovely Enid Blyton books and some old Ladybird books with wonderful pictures of scottie dog loveliness!  One of the books, Bom The little toy drummer, is one I've never seen before. Does anyone know this one?

Some of the things I bought are to keep (for now at least) including the old Arthur Woods pot and the green swallows.  That's the beauty of what I do, until I  sell the items I am the guardian of them and enjoy them for as long as I want.

(click to enlarge)


  1. Donna ~ stunning finds! You are an inspiration.
    Think of how many items you have saved down the years for others to enjoy.
    I'm off to Lille, France (giant flea market) this weekend, don't know what to expect but it should be good!

  2. I've heard of Bom (I collect Enid Blyton, she a secret passion but it is hard to find first eds nowadays)- I checked on abebooks, and if it is the 1956 version, it's market value is 13-22 pounds, depending on condition.

  3. Donnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    Now look I thought that I was doing well, with my small collection from the car boot at the weekend. And I am looking forward to showing you, but you have managed to find such amazing things this week I am in awe. Well done. i love it all and can't wait to see some of it displayed on your open day. x

  4. Some lovely finds there!

    Really love the old suitcases and UJ's. The cushions are wonderful too.

    I love Enid Blyton, she was the first author I ever collected and loved her books as a child. Its strange when I read in blogland about people collecting her books. I kick myself now that I didnt save a lot of her books I had as a child. I loved the naughtiest girl series. They were my favourite. Although I think it was the secret seven (one of the chractors called Fatty I think??) I loved those ones too and had quite a few of them in my childhood collection.

    Hope you have a lovely weekend.


  5. oh Donna, just wow. just how many lovely things are there? so many! what an exciting week you've had!

  6. oh such pretty finds, i cant believe some of the lovely vintage things people throw away, we'll have to set up skip watch!! he he!! fliss xx

  7. Yes I two had to give a up a much looked forward to trip to the giant flea market in bath and west, very sad but there are more to come. I have also been rumaging in the local recycle shop and have found some treasure's for desplaying my ware's.

  8. Gosh, what amazing finds for children, my favourite. Lovely blog and shop.

  9. Anonymous9:18 PM GMT

    Such a great mixture of things. The picture of you're collection would make a lovely postcard.

  10. Hi Donna,

    What a great find of vintage items. How precious of your friend saved the suitcase for you. Now, the fabric has a home. Take Care, Franchelle

  11. Brilliant finds (and once again lucky you to be able to buy from your recycling centre!!).

    Will email you re the drawers! How many do we have between us? Haven't mentioned the deal I've done for the end of the year, have I ... can't remember exactly how many drawers there are but I think it's a 4-wide and a 3-wide pair of deco gorgeousness!

    Sue xx

  12. Congratulations ! It's all gorgeous , but my favourite has to be the '50s fabric .... that red is perfect .

  13. Gosh! what a lot of treasure you have rescued.
    I could cry when I hear that people throw such wonderful things away.

  14. wow, what a finder you are, I cant do it at all, I am rubbish at finding such treasures.

  15. Wow Donna what beauties you've found! I bet you're pleased you stayed close to home this weekend, what a wonderful hoard of treasure!

  16. Your finds are truly wonderful! I love the way you've put the photos together too (would make a fabulous postcard!) It makes me want to weep when I think of vintage treasures being thrown's no good, I can't think about it any longer (too upsetting!) Thank goodness there are people like you who save them (and people who think to ask others if their 'junk' is wanted). HAppy vintage treasure finding! Katie xx

  17. Hi Donna,
    "Didn't you do well?!"
    Just goes to show that there is goodness to be found anywhere...even at the tip! We're not allowed to take anything away from ours :( - its sad to see perfectly good articles being crushed to dust...and then they say we send too much to land-fill...send it the way of 'vintage girls' I say!!

    I LOVE the little embroidered Scottie dog cushion that you bought...I've often thought, when I've been at fairs and markets, about asking the vendors if they have anything else at home that I might like, but have always hit the jackpot with your extra buys!

    Have a great week,
    Niki x

  18. Oh some fabulous finds honey. I haven't heard of that book sorry but it looks a good read.
    It's taken me a while but i have finally popped your open house banner on my blog page.
    Have a fab week, whats left of it.
    Catherine x
    Ps: oh i know I've asked before but will us poor ladies that can't get to your open day, get a sneaky preview on line?

  19. Just found your lovely blog!! so gorgeous, i love your very pretty bathroom x

  20. This is the pot of gold that I dream of at the end of a rainbow... what fabulous treasures.. right up my street! I wish!!!

    Michele xx

  21. What does age have to do with it? You are a style GODDESS lovey!


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