
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Granny Squares

I have started crocheting again. Now the evenings are getting cooler my thoughts turn to blankets and in particular to ripple blankets.  I have wanted to make a ripple blanket for years but, having never found a pattern that I could make head or tail of, it hasn't happened.  Until Attic 24  came along. Queen of crochet, her instructions are foolproof and speak in a language I, a relative beginner at crochet, can understand. She also has beautiful clear step by step photographs.  So armed with my hook and  a basket full of Rowan cottons I got rippling. 
Despite the foolproof instructions I had to abandon my first attempt, but, as I was suffering with headaches, I thought it best to wait until I felt better.  Last night I started again and although I am at the beginning I can tell already that it is going to work this time.  I am really enjoying rippling and am looking forward to seeing it grow in a lovely blanket.  
I had a go at granny squares but I'm not sure why, I abandoned them after a while.  Maybe it was the name that put me off, I mean who wants to be making granny squares at the tender age of 40 something, hahaha, but having just seen the gorgeous Cate Blanchett in her granny square dress on the red carpet I may have to give them another go!


  1. Anonymous5:49 PM GMT

    I'm really looking forward to seeing your ripple blanket grow, Lyn x

  2. Lord, that's one dress I don't think I'll be wearing anytime soon! Although I adore the granny square and I too am thinking of commencing the ripple challenge!! Best of luck! x

  3. I do love Cate Blanchett, though I think she may be one of the few who could get away with that dress. Goos luck Donna x

  4. I have to say, much as I love granny squares, I think they look better on sofas! Enjoy your rippling!

    Pomona x

  5. Hey - way to go, you! I'm so pleased to hear you've managed to work out how to do it, Sweetie. Well done.
    I'm looking forward to watching it grow over the winter....

  6. If only I'd kept the ripple baby jackets and dresses I crocheted 30+ years ago. I bet they'd sell like hot cakes now!!!

    Good luck with your blanket. Once you get going it's so simple ... and so quick!

    Sue x

  7. PS - they were called chevrons in those far off days!

  8. Glad to see another hooker Donna. The problem with the granny square for me is the fact that you need about a million to make a blanket. Do I have that much patience? Wish I did.

    Is it a big or little persons ripple blanket by the way?

    Lisa x

  9. Anonymous10:04 PM GMT

    I'm all for that dress I think it's great. Perhaps this time next year we will all be wearing crochet clothing in a big way. It always seems a shame that all of those hours of crochet are confined to the home.

  10. I have always wanted to crochet a rippled afghan...but have feared it. Can't wait to see yours!

  11. I have always wanted to do the ripple, but never took the guts to. I'm sure this will go smoothly for you.
    That picture of a granny square dress with Cate Blanchett in it. Hmm. I'm not sure how I should feel, even though I adore granny squares!

  12. Granny square dress, errrrmmmmmm, not for me, thank you very much. Snuggling under one, yes, wearing one, no.

    I followed Lucy's instructions for rippling as well, its so easy with her help. Keep us updated with your progress, please.

  13. Clever lady - make sure you post a photo of it finished! As for the dress....! Can you imagine the looks one of us mere mortals would get wearing that to the supermarket?! x

  14. Good for you, conquering a new skill is always cause for celebration!!! My Mom always crocheted and I still have many of her blankets today.

  15. Wow what a dress, very brave of her!

    I am with you there on the crochet, I too am a biginner and love it. I've had to start projects over but am enjoying it so much that I don't mind. I haven't attempted the ripple yet. Lack of time being the main reason. I can't wait to have less decorating to do and a bit more ME time.
    Your crochet work is looking great, love the colours!
    Have a great weekend
    Isabelle x

  16. I have been wanting my mother in law to teach me crochet for a while but there is never enough time.... Not even sure that Cate Blanchett (who I love - reminds me of Laura somehow) even looks good in this dress. Of all the things to choose.....

  17. I love your blog! Enjoy making your ripple blanket! I am looking forward to seeing the finished product!
    I quite like Cate Blanchetts dress although I feel only she can carry it off!! LOL!!

  18. Good luck with that there crochet hook! Lovely to chat last night, see you soon, Lizzie x

  19. I loved seeing the ripple blanket yesterday, just wonderful. But, even more than that I LOVED reading Amy's comment, although I will not be wearing a dress like that any time soon. Can you imagine Donna? The pre-school would never be the same.
    Amy you are FAB! xxx

  20. Hi Donna
    glad you like the french piccies, sadly the spotty containers sold at Shepton last w/e. Lizzie x

  21. If you think the peaches were impressive, you should have seen the copy of this months Country Living that the children published & added to one of the boxes of veg! Lizzie x

  22. Oooh Donna,
    Did I hear mention of pink rose wiggle?! Yes yes yes, please can I have it? We are coming next Saturday by the way. Looking forward to meeting you and obviously can't wait to fondle fabrics. Thanks very much for my stash that landed this week and my extra piece. Once I pack the boys off to work/school today, I'll be creating.
    See you Saturday.
    Hen x

  23. The ripple is going to be gorgeous, I can already tell!


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