
Thursday, October 08, 2009


Remember this?  The blanket is coming along very nicely. I only get a very limited time in the evenings, once the kiddy winks are safely tucked up and I have no parcels to get ready, so the progress is very slow. I don't mind though as it is my winter project.  I love making blankets because you can sit underneath them as they grow, keeping warm whilst you crochet, very cosy!

Please don't look too close, as I am only a beginner, but I am so enjoying these ripples.

There were ripples of another kind in this household yesterday, ripples of excitement!

Now I know many of you have a copy of this wonderful book.

Flicking through it yesterday  when my copy arrived, (I was supposed to be working), I admired all the sweet projects which look like a lot of fun to make.  When I got to the end I looked at the handy addresses section and there, in print, was my name!  I couldn't believe my eyes. I am mentioned as a stockist in Cath Kidstons book.  I had no idea and I am both flattered and honoured to be there!

I also spotted some fabric they had bought from me, used as a coat for Stanley.  How exciting!


  1. Donna, I am a third along a ripple scarf because of your last post, so thank you. Your blanket is coming along very nicely. I find working the ripple very relaxing work in the evening.
    Congratulations on your (world wide) stockist mention and use of fabric. You must be thrilled.

  2. Wow, that's great about your appearance in the book, hopefully it shall bring more customers your way - but not too many to snaffle all that delicious fabric (nothing like selflessness)!
    The ripples look great, keep rippling!
    Hen x

  3. What a surprise to find yourself there Donna. You deserve it though as your fabrics are wonderful.

    I love ripple effect, but I just can't get mine to flow properly. You look like you're doing fine and dandy with yours.

    Lisa x

  4. Wow, I bet you're chuffed to bits. Congratulations.

  5. ha! that's amazing! but obviously well deserved. your ripples look pretty perfect to me - i really want to learn how to crochet - is that even crochet?

  6. I am very chuffed for you!!! And thank you for listening to the dramas over that last few weeks. I think I probably would have gone insane without someone to sigh with.Have a fab weekend. x

  7. AND, where on earth have you found the time to make that blanket. Yes, yes I know the evenings, but Donna I know how busy you are and ATM is on as well.HOW?

  8. I meant ANTM!
    aka America's next top model.
    Loving it far too much. Must stop. x And now look I'm clogging up your comments page. x

  9. Love those rippled crochet blankets! It's great, as you can just pick it up, and put it away at will! I want to try some, but I really need to complete my granny square blanket first!!
    Must have been great to see yourself in print in CK 'Sew'!!

    Sharon xx

  10. Congratulations, Sweetie!
    And the blanket is looking gorgeous...


  11. Oh my goodness, that's amazing for you, yay!!!! I am waiting for my book to arrive from Amazon UK, so excited!

  12. Hi Donna, wow how exciting, well done! Thanks so much for a lovely day last week, Caren and I had such a good time and all the fabrics were lovely. Kathyx

  13. Such exciting news, I shall look out for it - well done you!

  14. That's so exciting...that's what comes of being so brilliant! Hoorah for you! Love your ripple blanket too. Katie x

  15. Your ripple blanket is beautiful! I have been interested in trying one of have inspired me to actually doing it!! Thank you! By the way..I love your blog!

  16. Ohhh, I want to ripple too.

  17. Donna, your ripple is looking amazing....the more ripples I see growing in Blogland, the more it makes me want to start on another for myself.
    I've got my eye on the v extravagant but v lush Debbie Bliss Cashmerino DK...check out these colours...


    Happy Hooking to you


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