
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Textile Pictures

Preparations are now afoot for the 3 day Christmas Fair at the Cowslip Workshops in Launceston this weekend.  I am replenishing stocks and adding  new items to my rather empty boxes ready to take along.  Do let me know if you come along and be sure to say hi!

Do you remember this?  Well Jayne has now got herself a website showing more of her wonderful designs.  Have a look.  Her work is just stunning and I could happily give more wallspace to her beautiful pictures. Here are a few more that she sent me photos of.  I can't decide which one I like best. What do you think?






  1. It was great to meet you at the Vintage and Handmade Fair - hope the next one goes as well!

    Pomona x

  2. Oh! They are beautiful !
    After seeing your glorious bounty of fabric on Saturday I only wish I was nearer to Launceston.....
    Have a great week
    D x

  3. They're lovely. I like best the long one with all the teacups. Good luck for your Fair, you'll be deserving a rest!
    Hen xxx

  4. Hi donna,
    You have another busy weekend ahead of you?! I hope you have as much fun as last weekend!
    The textile pictures are lovely,especially the last one. x

  5. Hello Donna

    Thank you for your lovely comments!

    It was such a fantastic day, all very tiring for you though with another one come up so soon! Your stall looked really good!

    Oh how I would love to go there but can't unfortunately. I wish you well there.

    Take care
    Isabelle x

  6. Oops forgot to saqy that I like the last pictures best!
    Isabelle x

  7. Anonymous5:46 PM GMT

    love the tea cups and the jugs.

    - saff

  8. Anonymous5:47 PM GMT

    whoops, as in the last two pictures. just noticed there are other similar subject matters.

    - saff

  9. I like the yellow picture. Well they are all nice but that's my favourite.

  10. Either of the teacups ones although I should frame the pink jugs first don't you think?!!!

    Absolutely gorgeous.

    Sue xx

  11. All lovely pictures but I really like the three cups of flowers.
    I so wish I could have visited the Vintage Fair but a six hour round trip made it impossible. All the photos on the blogs make me turn green!
    Carol xx
    p.s. love the material I bought from your web site - particularly the one with the steam engines!

  12. Lovely to meet you at the fair Donna..I have my fabric stashed away for that 'special' project...I love them all but my favourite is the oblong teacups...couldn't you buy more than one!??

  13. I don't think I could choose a favourite one.. they are all exquisite!
    Hope you have a fabulous weekend and a very successful one too Donna..
    Michele xx

  14. Love the top one for the humorous side but the cups are my favourite. They are both gorgeous though.

  15. Ooops, just checked back and all the photos are showing now, I could only see the bikinis and cups before! Have now fallen in love with the strawberries!x

  16. Donna I love the top two. Feel like we only scratched the surfce on Monday. Can't wait for fantastic new nails! x Good Luck for Saturday.

  17. they're all so fun! gone to the beach or the large teacup quilt....

  18. Oh, love the cheeky 'Gone To The Beach'!

    And wish I could come to the next fair...

  19. They are wonderful!!Launceston this weekend eh? I will look up further details as I missed the Vand H so could do with a treat!
    Hope it goes well for you,
    Warm Wishes,
    Cally x


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