
Sunday, December 06, 2009

From my bed

I’m so sorry that I haven’t been around lately. After doing the 3 day fair down at  the Cowslip Workshops I came home to a poorly boy, followed a few days later by a poorly girl and now I am a poorly me!    It has been, and continues to be, a very testing time.  I am not good at being poorly as I can’t stand taking it easy, resting and going to bed.  My family know when things are bad if I can’t get out of bed! 

So here I lay, bored silly, feeling too ill to do anything fun like crochet, listen to music or watch television.  Today was the first day when I could actually pick up a book and read for a bit until I got too tired.  So, the only thing I could do was to take a series of photos called ‘From my sick bed’. This is the view I have as I lie here and I will leave you with them and hope to be back on form soon, ready to  start enjoying the festive period (which is making me panic).


  1. Oohh poor you donna,wishing you well soon!
    Isnt it frustrating when you have soooo much to do this time of year?!
    Sending you get well wishes. x

  2. Don't panic - I have just been writing about this in my blog! I hope you feel better soon.

    Pomona x

  3. Oh dear,poor you...I do hope you get better soon.
    Take it easy!
    There's no rush for the piece of fabric that I just ordered either...just thought you should know!
    Big hugs!

  4. If I had a room that lovely, I'd probably fake being ill on a regular basis.

    Hope you're being looked after!

  5. Hey hun,
    you must be going bonkers! How bloomin' awful, so osrry.
    I hope you feel better soon but take care not to do too much too soon, you don't want to be ill through Xmas.
    Your room is very beautiful.
    We have a 'It's a Wonderful Life' film poster on our hall wall!

  6. Grumpy Old Woman5:32 PM GMT

    Poor poorly girl...... :o{
    ...get well soon darling but don;t rush to get back to 'normal' too quickly.
    Your normal is most people's incredibly busy.

  7. I know you feel so poorly that pretty surroundings probably mean nothing to you, but you have such a lovely cozy bedroom and so peaceful looking, you couldn't ask for a nicer sickroom.

    I'd spend a lot of time in there if it were mine, even if I felt fine.

    I do hope you start to get better very soon.

  8. Hope you feel better soon Donna, I was laid up this time last week (v unlike me!) The great thing is when you're better, you really appreciate your health!
    Best to get it out of the way before Christmas comes too!
    Love Kirsty x
    PS I am using that bakers twine for absolutely EVERYTHING at the moment - such a good buy!

  9. Hi Donna

    Sorry you're feeling so groggy. Hope you'll see an improvement tomorrow. Make the most of the rest though - it'll be over before you know it.

    Sue xx

  10. Anonymous10:38 PM GMT

    think of it this way... at least you didn't have to do two months of bed rest when you were pregnant lol.

    get well soon! xxx

    - saff

  11. Get Well Soon,
    Warm Wishes,
    Cally x

  12. Hey Dons. I do sympathise. All you can do is rest. Big hug. Woo XXXXXXX

  13. Hope you feel better soon :)

  14. Oh donna, you poor thing. I hope you feel better now and try not to panic about Christmas. I know how you feel though as I have had Isabella ill for weeks on and off which is not great for sewing orders! x

  15. Get well soon, dear! xx Don't worry about Christmas, it WILL happen and it will be lovely.

  16. You bedroom is very lovely, but i'm sorry you're still poorly, get well soon, big hug xx

  17. Oooo, not nice being poorly. Hope you feel better soon. Christmas will be glorious, so don't panic! Katie xxx

  18. Sorry you are feeling poorly,hope you feel better soon.


  19. Oh get well soon Donna! At least you have a lovley view to be inspired by...

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  21. what a great idea for a sick bed post.

    hope you're feeling better


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