
Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year

We had a great New Year's Eve.  My lovely friend Amanda came with her family and I got to meet her little daughter Anna, who is beautiful.  The little ones stayed up until midnight and the full moon was spectacular.

New Year's Day was sunny and bright, perfect for a  walk. We walked along the coast path to Westward Ho! and had tea and crumpets before being picked up!

I hope you all have a wonderful year. 2009 was a great one for me and I have big plans for 2010.  Watch this space ..........................


  1. Happy New Year to you. I have been browsing your online shop today. Totally gorgeous and almost overwhelming! xx

  2. Happy new year Donna. Wasn't the weather beautiful yesterday? Can't wait to hear what your big plans are for 2010 (although I think I know!)I'm still waiting to hear about the hall in Exeter but want to get it booked ASAP for Easter time. I'll be in touch :)

  3. Anonymous9:50 AM GMT

    I can't wait to hear about your plans Donna x


  4. Wishing you all the best for 2010..looking forward to earing about tose 'plans'

  5. Grumpy Old Woman11:22 AM GMT

    Love your photos, Sweetie.

    Thanks for a BRILLIANT time over Christmas and the New Year!

    Wishing you all the luck in the world for your plans for 2010.........


  6. Hello Donna,
    Your photos look as though you've had a lot of fun over the new year.
    Can't wait to find out about your plans for the coming year - exciting!
    Wishing you a very healthy, happy and magical 2010,
    Happy days!
    Denise x

  7. Happy New Year!

    Hope all your plans go well for 2010!
    Look forward to hearing about them.


  8. Happy New Year to you & yours! Wishing you continued success in your business too!

    Willow x

  9. A very Happy New Year, Donna!

  10. Happy New Year to you & yours.. how exciting. Plans eh? Cannot wait to hear all about them....... Lizzie xxx

  11. Looking forward to hearing and seeing what brilliance you will be up to over the coming months.
    Happy New Year my sweet x

  12. Hi Donna

    Gorgeous photos! Plans? How exciting.

    Am fine now, thanks and the enforced rest was certainly a bonus!!

    Mrs Cosy Slippers!

  13. hi Donna, happy new year! I hardly visit here now, sorry - I think its because I feel I keep up with your news on fb.

    hope 2010 is FAB for you i'm sure it will be

  14. Happy new year Donna.
    May 2010 bring you lots of everything.
    Hope to see you at one of the hand made and vintage fairs this year.
    Wouldn't mind doing the Christmas one, is there any room left in the inn? hehe!
    With love,
    Speak soon.
    Catherine x

  15. thanks you for you comment Donna, glad you had also read the book (did you also see the film with Jessica Lang as Frances?) How is the snow with you today??? Lizzie xx

  16. Hi Donna
    How lovely that you all dressed up!
    I never get to do that anymore,and the fact that I live in jeans!

  17. Wishing you all the best for 2010 - sounds exciting!


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