
Saturday, January 09, 2010


The whole country has been covered in the white stuff including North Devon.  This week we had to give up all ideas of work, school or travel and instead we did a bit of sledging, snow boarding and snow man building, with a roaring log fire and hot chocolate to come home to.  I mean what else is there to do?

We are now snowed in (or rather iced in) as nothing can get up or down our drive and our lane is treacherous, the joys of rural living. we have had no post for 4 days and the weather is set to stay cold for sometime to come.  Luckily we have plenty of supplies with a well stocked larder and plenty of goodies left over from Christmas. Our heating oil is dangerously low and although we have ordered more the chances of the tanker getting to us is quite remote.  I think open fires, warm clothes and snuggling up together on the sofa will feature heavily in the next few days.

Keep warm.

(click to enlarge)


  1. Hope the thaw comes soon....its so danerous out there...keep warm!xx

  2. yes, we're having to conserve our oil here too. We have had post though, fortunately. the postman here is brilliant, he came out on foot and delivered all the post.

    Stay warm!

    Sian x

  3. So bizarre to read this Donna, as I sit here sweltering at my desk on a 42 degrees day! I think I'd rather be at your place xx

  4. Fab photos Donna, it has been a similar picture here, have you seen my ski doll on the other blog? She had a fun day on the slopes! (you can tell I am losing it can't you?) Hope you get some oil soon, we just have ancient/rubbish storage heaters & the wood burner, so warm clothes are the order of the day. No post here either..... trying to do some decorating to make good use of the time. Have a lovely Sunday, Lizzie xxx

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Love your hat - I always love the fairisle kind of stuff, but never get around to making it! It looks lovely and warm

  7. Hello Donna,
    Here in Virginia, USA it has been a very snowy (24 inches) and cold winter so far. Where is all this Global Warming I keep hearing about???? Keep your family snuggly close and you will be fine ;-)
    your friend,

  8. Hope the oil doesn't run out - luckily we had a top-up the day before we were snowed in! We have had flickering lights and water pressure down to a trickle - such are the joys of country living!

    Pomona x

  9. Keep warm, keep safe! At least some people are enjoying the snow!

  10. Looks like great fun! Hope you get your fuel soon, I was only saying earlier how we take our central heating for granted. x

  11. Grumpy Old Woman5:45 PM GMT

    Looks like you might want to delete the comment above this one, Sweetie.

    LOVE the photos.........



  12. How you have escaped the ice unscathed by now?!

  13. Happy New Year, Donna! You won't believe it but I am in need of vintage fabric - it's true! I am making yet another patchwork (you may have seen) and am eating into my stash. I am particularly low on pink (shocking!), you know the sort of thing I like. Have you anything for me? I have also spotted some fabrics on your website too. Quite a few are by the half metre but wondered if there was the chance of some as fat quarters?
    Thanks so much.
    Hen xxx

  14. Donna,
    Head to
    as you were among winners of a blog award.
    Delicious shop btw

    hugs ♥ Lisa X


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