
Friday, January 22, 2010

Slow start!

I have found it so hard to get started this year.  The snow and ice made our Christmas holidays extend by a week and by the time I got the children back to school I had a lot of catching up to do!

Once I had spent a few days organising the house, tidying, sorting, finding room for the new items that had arrived over Christmas my attentions turned to my website which has been sorely neglected since before Christmas. I hadn't added any new fabrics for weeks and the shelves were looking a little bare!

So, here is the latest additions to the website with lots more to come over the next few weeks.

(Click to enlarge)

My favourites are the Lucienne Day fabric, the saucy French burlesque dancers, the 1920's carousel horses and the Muffin the Mule  fabric. In fact I love all of them but these were some designs I have not seen before.

Today I went to see an old lady who had a roll of fabric that she had been given just after the war and always thought she would do something with it. She now realises that she probably won't and as her children are not interested in it she sold it to me. It is very pretty and I will be adding it to the site next week. She was delighted to hear that there are people who would love and use her fabric instead of it languishing in an old trunk, or worse, as her children have already said jokingly that they will be getting a skip for all her stuff once she pops her clogs!!

I had a lovely pile of books for Christmas and have been dipping in and out of them.  Some are for reference and some are crafty books.  My lovely friend Amanda bought me a bag of wool, some felting needles and a book on making cute animals. I can't wait to give it a go!  I don't think my work will ever reach the giddy heights of Gretel's beautiful art but I would love to make a few little felty friends.

I have neglected my blog of late and have found it hard to keep up with everyone elses too so I am sorry if I have not visited yours or commented for a while. I promise to find more time to do this soon.


Many of you noticed the fatal flaw in my plan and have asked about several fabrics which have not yet found their way on to the website. I was hoping to have had them all listed before I posted this entry but that wasn't to be!  I will have all fabrics up this week, sorry!


  1. Those stunning fabrics Donna!!! It must be quite difficult to part with many of them. Do you have to take counselling to overcome their loss? ;-)
    Glad you are back in the swing of things. x

  2. What gorgeous fabrics! I need to pop over to your shop and take a good look around.

  3. You've got some beautiful new fabrics Donna! In particular I adore the yellow bird - popped over to your website but couldn't find him! Where is he??
    Like you I am off to a very slow start this year - maybe February is the new January!
    Wishing you a happy weekend,
    Denise x

  4. Its been hard to get back into things but having such a lazy start to the year has been lovely.
    I too am finally feeling like it is time to get the arse in gear for hopefully an exciting year.
    If only it were Christmas every 3 months instead of once a year!

  5. Hi Donna

    Plenty of gorgeousness there. I'll pop some DH postcards/invitations in the post this week if that's OK, and will hope to get the full details out, too!

    Sue xx

  6. Yet more lovelies to tempt me. Over there in a mo I promise.

    Hell Donna we're all chasing our tails these days and still trying to make sure we enjoy life too. I'm finding the balance of trying to do too much ok at the moment, but soon I know I'll wobble and fall off, hopefully I'll land in a pile of beautiful vintage fabric laughing. Take care and keep on doing.

    Lisa x

  7. Grumpy Old Woman8:58 AM GMT

    Ooooh! What LOVELY fabrics, Donna. I love them all. Yes, how can you bear to part with them.
    If I HAD to pick a favourite I suppose it would be the Muffin the Mule.

    Yes, it's hard for people to get back into fifth gear after the forced extra time with the children at home.
    Fun while it lasted but so disruptive to one's work.

    Those books look scrummy - I'll have to take a peep next time I visit.......



  8. Hey you, missed you this week. Beautiful fabrics. Can't wait to come round and have a peek. Thanks for the calm advice this week about the missing blog bits. I was getting quite cross about it all.
    Love L x

  9. Good to hear from you via le blog! Yes, I did buy a few treasures from Niki's shop.. fabric covered box... black and white photo (featured on the most recent post on my blog) and by coincidence mandy's shop in Watchet is the one you & I visted ages ago!!! Lizzie x

  10. Hi Donna
    Beautiful and tempting fabrics! I look forward to seeing them on the website.

    I went to Niki's shop this week, it's fantastic, you'll love it. she has done such a great job of it!

    Look forward to seeing you at one of the forthcoming fairs.
    Warm wishes
    Isabelle x

  11. beautiful fabrics..I'm a sucker for roses and I really loves the yellow American Goldfinch pattern. I also have fun with my needle felting and I am in awe of Gretel's work.


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