
Monday, January 25, 2010

High in the Treetops

There is something going on in the garden!

Can you tell what it is yet?

In the front garden is a huge and ancient Cedar tree.  We love this tree, it has swings hanging from it and now Paul is building a tree house!  

I shall keep you updated.


  1. How exciting. Shall look forward to seeing it next time we're your way. Will put cards in the post.

  2. Oh wow. Now I will definitely lose the Munchkin at your next house sale! More time for shopping, of course!
    Hen x

  3. Fantastic! By coincidence, I was reading "The Week" Magazine today and there is a page devoted to 'the best houses on the market with a treehouse' - you should check it out. I'm very envious!

  4. Lucky you! we had a treehouse at our last house but our little ones were too young to enjoy it ...can't wait to see the finished design!

  5. Wow, how fun! That's going to be fantastic xxx

  6. Oh wow. That is going to be awesome. Adult suitable I hope - not just for the kiddies.

  7. I was thinking it might be the location for your new fabric shop!! LOL!
    Looks like it will be a lot of fun ;-)

  8. I thought the same as Sal.. smile. Lizzie xx

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hi Donna

    Miss P has been going on about us having a tree house but I don't think the apple tree is up to it! You have the perfect tree for a tree house. Your children and ... the grown ups will love it!
    Look forward to seeing the transformation.
    Warm wishes
    Isabelle x
    P.S It was me who deleted previous comment (incorrect login...)

  11. How fabulous! I always longed for a tree house when I was little! Katie xxx

  12. Lyn Burgess4:36 PM GMT

    oooo, how exciting 8)

  13. Looks like a mammoth task! Can't wait to see it finished. I'm very envious!! x

  14. Hi Donna

    Where is that LOVE VINTAGE FAIR (10th April)held please? I have clicked on the link which takes me to facebook but as I am not on facebook, I can't access it. Will you be having an open house day in the spring? I want to make sure that I am free to go this time!
    Warm wishes
    Isabelle x

  15. wowee, thats a job and a half. How fabulous to have a den in your favourite tree. Have you started making the curtains yet? x


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