
Saturday, March 13, 2010

In Vogue

There are small signs of Spring at last which makes me happier than happy. I adore Spring, my babies were all born in Spring. However the cold wind reminds me of the saying 'Ne'er cast a clout til May be out', so with this in mind I have been busy listing beautiful eiderdowns on my site. I have so many eiderdowns and usually just sell them at fairs as they are expensive to post but I am asked for them all the time. I have some very pretty ones.

I also took delivery of the most scrumptious badges from Jane at Snapdragon this week.  Handmade using scraps of vintage fabrics they fit in with my other products beautifully.

Here are just a few of them.  Aren't they lovely?

I also have these beautiful egg cosies, a perfect Easter gift!

Another wonderful package from the postman was for me, not stock this time!  I had spotted this wonderful piece of driftwood artwork on Kirsty's site and realised that it had to come and live with me.  It fits in beautifully with my nautical themed vintage bathroom.  I love it!


She's so talented, if you haven't seen her work I suggest you pop over to her Folksy shop and take a peek!

This month I have had a little write up in Vogue. Near the back is a page titled Vintage Vogue and in amongst it all is a mention of me.

Yes my darlings, strike a pose, I'm in Vogue!


  1. Love the bathroom shots Donna. Fabric of little girl on bag adorable. I'm also lusting after your Bunny cup as I have the matching dish.

    Enjoy mothers day.
    Lisa x

  2. OOh get you Anna Wintour!
    I adore your bathroom and I love the eiderdowns. The third one made me gasp!

  3. love your bathroom.. love all the nautical bits and bobs.
    oo you'll be like the devil wears prada soon.. but in your case it will be the devil wears vintage florals!!!
    loving the eiderdowns to.. i so want a vintage eiderdown!!!

  4. Do I spot some of Jane and the happy crows boats in there? Vogue, well of course daaarling, where else!

  5. I do so adore those vintage eiderdowns!
    I went to the Exeter flea market today...not one eiderdown in sight....and not much in the way of linens either!
    Well done on the Vogue mention!!

  6. Well done for getting in Vogue!
    Love the eiderdowns....terrible to clean though....any ideas?
    My craft fair is booked for Saturday 22nd May, if you want to join in email me. I only have about 5 tables left now. Have a good day :) x

  7. Ooooh, get you - in Vogue - that's amazing! I'm supposed to be in a future 'Popular Crafts' magazine - Steve rather sarcastically asked, 'You won't let it change you, will you?' Those eiderdowns are gorgeous, I've always wanted one. So glad you like the little driftwood piece.. I can see it would fit right in with your fab bathroom! x

  8. Hi Donna lovely to meet up after all this time, not quite in real life but getting nearer!
    Love your site
    Elaine xx


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